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Does anyone else have problems controlling emotions in public? Being reminded of things by hearing a song playing in the background of the supermarket that whirls up tears, that start escaping uncontrollerbely, or as you walk past the local church, or see posters of theatre plays and cinema films? basically any slight trigger that seem totally rediculous setting you off in the middle of town? There's nowhere that doesn't seem to get to you! Stand in a queue in a shop waiting to pay for something, BANG! the tears are there again.

Anyone know of any tricks to stop these teary outbursts because it is very embarrassing and sometimes, i don't even know what has upset me? :confused:
been there hun and no i have no idea how to stop these dam tears from falling when i am triggered simply try to find a place to calm down a bit so no one sees but to be honest hun i dont' think people notice sorry this happens to you too hugs


MVP, Forum Supporter
I do better at controlling my emotions than my thoughts.

For my emotions, I remind myself that feelings come and go. What I feel now, I may not in a short time. I let it wash over me, knowing it will pass and that is sometimes enough to bring me out of it an emotional state. I don't fear the emotions, I just watch them and observe them.

I can do this with thoughts that are not intense. For constant obsessions and thoguhts that are constant and don't come and go, this method doesn't work for me very well.


i also struggle with some of my thoughts, lol! I am going to try your technique to see if it will help with all these emotions, thankyou for that! I wish i had some helpful hints about those troublesome thoughts to share but unfortunately i don't! I was once told to treat my brain like a filing cabinet, dealing with one thought at a time, most important ones first and the less important ones can be left to when im able to!! I haven't mastered that yet, am not able to seperate them, im often overwhelmed with all different ones at the same time. i don't know if the filing cabinet idea might be helpful to anyone else though!!


I do this all the time but with laughter. I'll think of something funny and then start grinning uncontrollably. Sounds harmless enough but people always think I'm laughing at them and it makes people think I'm nuts.

I've experienced this with sadness and anger too though, and come close to crying many times in public. I still get angry in public sometimes, but it's getting MUCH better.

As I've done more work with mental health professionals, AA groups, group therapy, meditation, reading, learning about self care, etc, my emotions are a lot more centred and stable.

Sometimes when it felt like the emotions were just beneath the surface at all times I would provoke them on purpose just to release the pressure, for example listen to a corny sad song (Journey's "Don't stop believing", please don't laugh at me).

Not sure what else I can say, other than keep working on healing an keep asking questions and eventually things will get better!
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