More threads by David Baxter PhD

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Yes, I'll probably use the patch. Although I use the word "use" loosely: I generally wear it for the first three or four days and then go cold turkey (I'm allergic to the glue on them...)

Aaarhh... the patch. Aye, me mateys... the patch does chafe a tad after a while... but a real pirate doesn't pay it no mind.. I just splashes some warm rum in my eye and talks to me parrot to distract meself from the pain.

Aaarhh...It's not an easy life on the high seas but it's the only life we knows...

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Re: Stop Smoking?

I'm working on reports with deadlines and going slowly bonkers. :crazy:

But this is :eek:fftopic: again - I'll split the thread. :eek:


Account Closed
...Ok...But you left Jazzey on the other thread :rolleyes:, or at least her response to your pirate joke. :lol:


Resident Canuck
:reading: :search:

There has to be a thread around here on how to focus on work, while others are having fun :reading:
I think turning off the computer\laptop connection would maybe work, but everyone would have withdrawal symptoms to deal with. no fun in that is there...... noooooooo

I think you will just have to learn to integrate "work" and fun into your daily life.. I mean if your bosses or receipient of "report"cannot take a joke.. that's their problem right? lol lol. just don't mention the parrot and all should be okay:D
Who's twisting your arm to keep reading?:wink:
he is going to try and blame the (banned) cat from other thread because it's chasing his parrot all over the ship!! and he has to keep looking here in case it turns up here,, oh look it did..

here hoser, nice cat... Leave dr baxters bird alone.. (go get him lol lol )


Resident Canuck
:helpme: somehow I am now nominated the scapegoat from the other thread :panic:

Charity replaced Hoser the cat, then Hoser the cat and Charity were spared and now somehow I am now appointed scapegoat :panic:

You'all want me banned now? :cry:


Resident Canuck
That depends. Will you eat spiders and other icky bugs?

ahhhhh :nah: that is probably best left to the cat, or another member who might find that tasty.

Being a scapegoat isn't against the rules. :)

True, but I quite prefer the title of "forum clown" or something along those lines.

Especially since I am such a contributer to creating threads in the "Just for Fun" area :D
scapegoats "can do" everything , even when they can't, is that not what a scapegoat is.. a person or cat.. or even a bird who "did it"..
so don't worry you can still create lots of threads in the just for fun forum,,, hey you are now the fun as well.. consider that an honour.. (of sorts) lol lol


Resident Canuck
scapegoats "can do" everything , even when they can't, is that not what a scapegoat is.. a person or cat.. or even a bird who "did it"..
so don't worry you can still create lots of threads in the just for fun forum,,, hey you are now the fun as well.. consider that an honour.. (of sorts) lol lol

:dramaqueen: oh the pressure, not sure if I can handle such an honor...
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