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I have to ask because this has happened to me with all kinds of things. Has anyone ever become intolerant/allergic to a medication? I am switching meds anyway after a talk with my dr. so I am not freaking out anymore- this is just a general laid back ?. The reason I ask is because everytime I like something and use/eat/take it for long periods of time my body either developes an allergy to it or- like in the case of the IUD I had removed- it tries to kill me. I was just wondering if you can become completely intolerant to a med- I am taking citalopram and part of the misery I have been experiencing is symptoms that their website lists as rare so I thought maybe my body was saying 'ok no more of this.'


Re: just an idea I had

I'm intollerant to all my medications, but I suppose you don't mean that way. lol

I think just because you are experiencing the rare side effects does not mean it is an allergy. It just means not as many people (a low percentage) had experienced that side effect.
With that being said since there are such things as rare side effects there could be such things as your body getting intolerant. That would be something your Dr. would have to look into though. Are you sure it's not just side effects? :support:

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
You can also develop sensitivities (as opposed to true allergies although it may be hard to tell the difference at first) to certain medications or foods after a while.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
I had that happen with an antiobiotic following surgery (so significant physical stress), even though I'd had that antiobiotic numerous times before over the years and never reacted to it before.


I was on citalopram a few years ago. It made my skin crawel and sent my anxiety through the roof.


That's weird Dr.Baxter. I wonder why it can be fine one time and then not another.

Just goes to show you how meds effect everyone differently. I have been on citalopram before to and it didn't do anything for me at all.


Account Closed
I've had the same experience with antibiotics as Dr. Baxter. I have to be careful what I take now. :)

It's apparently not that uncommon from what I've been told.
well it certainly is annoying. my experience with medications has really only been in the last 3 years or so. I think because of the ptsd I didn't really give some of the others good chance(when I was 16). maybe now that I am an adult that will be different. its is good to know that I am not totally over reacting. i will definately bring this up when I go in. I have a good amount of anxiety and after having the Mirena for 6months. I had to have it removed because of hormone migraines and the dr. said my bp was through the roof and I was on the verge of a stroke... not very good to tell someone with anxiety lol. so yeah I get a little freaked out.


Yeeesh! Understandable. I'm sorry if I added to that anxiety with my misinformation (lol is that a word?).
I hope you can figure things out when you get in to see your Dr. :goodjob:


Resident Canuck
For me it was not on a medication level that I developed an alergie.

I in my 30's developed a quite severe allergie to raspberries and I also realized (accidently) I had the same issue with pomegranate. I had no previous allergies of any sort before. The raspberry allergie started with my skin, but it didn't effect me if I ate it (which I thought was weird until I learned others have simular too) but over time it developed into an allergie that also effected my mouth, tongue and throat. I would get like a pins and needles feeling and it felt almost numb.

I didn't have them anymore then I asked my doctor about and she replied very sturnly "Stay way from them, do not eat them and try to not touch them again!"

Apparently I had a mild anaphylactic reaction and she is afraid cause the allergie progressed from a skin allergie to now this that it could get further worse.

Always the best option is to tell your doctors any reactions even if they seem minor at the time. Then hopefully they can prepare for any possable future reactions you may have.
nah. if anything talking here makes me feel better like I'm not alone. My husband doesn't really understand what depression is. My family thinks that it is an excuse and that depressed people are just lazy and don't care about what others think of them.


Sadly that is a typical attitude towards the mentally ill. Well from what I have heard anyways, I suppose I can't speak for everyone.
I may be lazy now but when I work I work my butt off and I only care what others think of me so that puts your families theory to rest.
It's hard because all you can do is try to educate them and if they don't want to hear it then there is not much you can do about it.:crazy:


Account Closed
nah. if anything talking here makes me feel better like I'm not alone. My husband doesn't really understand what depression is. My family thinks that it is an excuse and that depressed people are just lazy and don't care about what others think of them.

I know that I'm just reiterating what STP has already said. It just is public opinion from people who've never experienced the depths of depression...It doesn't make it ok though. I'm still trying to educate my employer on the effects of both the depression and PTSD. My absenteism has gone up in the last little while, due to major depression. Maybe I'm wrong, but I tell him exactly why it is that I'm missing work, always in the hopes that he'll remember those times when I wasn't in this spot, when I worked long hours without complaint.

People have been gossiping in my workplace. I don't care anymore. And, I don't always expend energy telling people about what's going on - only those that need to be in the 'know'.

It's taken me over a year to make my own family understand what I was going through. I know it's not because they don't care. It's just that depression is one of the intangibles that make it difficult for people to grasp. But again, it has nothing to do with us.

My resolution in all of this - I need to not care about other's perception about who I am as a person. I know who I am. I also just happen to suffer from major depression. It's just another hurdle in my life and, one that others don't necessarily need to understand...just me, and as long as I don't lose that focus. :)
I too am tired of always having to explain my self. It drains me. I'm tired of faking a smile when I don't feel up to it and I'm tired of people that 'know' asking me personal questions about it then when I say I'm having a bad day avoiding me. I guess lately I'm just plain tired!


Account Closed
I too am tired of always having to explain my self. It drains me. I'm tired of faking a smile when I don't feel up to it and I'm tired of people that 'know' asking me personal questions about it then when I say I'm having a bad day avoiding me. I guess lately I'm just plain tired!

Yes. :) Right there with you..So now, we take the steps that we need to in order to ensure that the 'fake' smile is transformed into somethibg a litle bit more genuine...

just hang in there...


I too am tired of always having to explain my self. It drains me. I'm tired of faking a smile when I don't feel up to it and I'm tired of people that 'know' asking me personal questions about it then when I say I'm having a bad day avoiding me. I guess lately I'm just plain tired!

I hate when people think they can ask personal questions about my mental health like it's no big deal. When someone(family or friends) asks me something that is over stepping I ask them some really embarrassing physical question. Gets the point across nicely.


Weird and unfortunate, if it were working nicely for you. I have heard of a body developing an immunity to a drug and the drug not being quite so effective any more. I was thinking that may be happening to me and the water pill I am on? I dunno? See my doc today on that one. :)
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