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to see if i can post just tryed to post on another section and got told I had to wait till a moderator vetted it dont know what all thats about!!

its worked here but it wont let me post my question computer and internet section.
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Re: just testing

my post has just appeared on the computer section god knows what all that was about................

what was all that about ladylore? what have I done to have to be vetted?:)
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David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Re: just testing

You haven't done anything. That's a bug in the anti-spam system here... most of the time it works perfectly but every now and then it sends something harmless to the moderation queue.

It may have been the word "webcam" although I don't have that listed as a "stop word".
Re: just testing

I had wondered about the webcam word david after I posted it but its to do with my budgies not anything else:), just a little Idea I had for getting them on the net and so I can watch them on my laptop when Im in the other rooms, and so friends on bird forums can watch them too.:)

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Re: just testing

Yes... I saw that. :)

Unfortunately, I have nothing to offer as advice - never had a webcam. Doesn't Windows recognize the hardware automatically?
Re: just testing

the webcam is working fine and been recognised its just how to get it live on the net. I can run it through instant messengers but only people with those messengers can see it. Im trying to look on the net but some stuff is too complicated, and it says not to do it if your a beginner because of security issues etc :)
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