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I have finally decided to quit smoking....
I started smoking in grade 9 and would really like to has taken such a toll on my health and I'm afriad I'm just going to die one day if I don't stop now.

Does anyone have any suggestions about how to go about this without turning into a complete bag....I ask because I work customer service and I don't want to get irritable with customers.

Thanks !!!

Daniel E.
I remember reading that the antidepressant Wellbutrin can help one kick the smoking habit.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
1. Prepare yourself mentally/psychologically for the day you quit.

2. Buy one last pack and keep it unopened somewhere in the house but not too close - that will help you to ride out the panicky feeling when it's late at night and you know you can't have one - now you can but you can tell yourself you'll just ride it out.

3. Be modest in your ambitions the first week ot two - your concentration will suck.

At least, that's what worked for me.

You can also try nicotine gum or the patch to get over the first couple of weeks but the gum will make your jaws hurt. :panic:


I smoked for over 10 years and decided one night that was it. The next day I just didn't smoke. I thought I would be a total wreck, but you will be amazed at how quickly everything starts to feel better and not just physically either. Although, the temptation does not go away, unfortunately. Good luck :)
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