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Then there is a terabyte (derived from the prefix tera- and commonly abbreviated TB) is a measurement term for data storage capacity. The value of a terabyte based upon a decimal radix (base 10) is defined as one trillion (short scale) bytes, or 1000 gigabytes.

  • Wal-Mart's data warehouse in Middletown, Connecticut contains 500 terabytes ( 500,000 billion or 500 million million bytes) of data as of 2004.
  • The U.S. Library of Congress Web Capture team has claimed that "as of May 2007, the Library has collected more than 70 terabytes (70,000 billion or 70 million million bytes) of data"
  • claims approximately 600 terabytes of genealogical data with the inclusion of US Census data from 1790 to 1930.
  • YouTube offices hold over 600 terabytes of user-submitted videos.

Source: Wilkipedia
:D Ok the reason I was asking is because Im hopefully going over to broadband in a few days if all goes well but theres a download limit and I was trying to work out whether it will be enough, somedays Im online all day and visit loads of sites, and share piccies of my birds plus updates to software and stuff, plus other stuff I download, theyre giving me 10gb per month the tech guy says it will be enough I just want to be sure!!:)
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