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Resident Canuck
I have been on SSRIs for 13 years. I did have one run of about 6 months where I was completely off medication, but crashed quite bad.

Besides my mental illness I am actually quite healthy :)

I am diagnosed with chronic depression and panic attacks. I have had bouts of OCD and impulsiveness that kinda weave between my main diagnosis. I was prescribed Risperidal when the OCD got bad with the racing and intrusive thoughts to the point where I couldn't sleep with all the "background noise" and was also self-harming.

My treatment started in 1997 on 50mg of Luvox and was raised to 150mg and that was the max I could handle.

I then tried Paxil (couldn't even handle the lowest dosage)

I stayed on Prozac for quite some time before I was started on 1mg of Risperidal for 2 weeks and lowered to .5mg. For racing and intrusive thoughts.

I had been on that dosage for 4 years and was weened off of it. I don't even recal I got even a headache from the "withdrawl". (Half of the time was in combination with Prozac, the rest of the time was with Effexor XR.)

My Psychiatrist suggested we try Effexor XR, which I am still currently on. My initial dosage started at 150mg and raised up to 225mg over a course of a few years. We tried raising it to 300mg when my depression set in really bad, but again I couldn't handle the dosage at that level. (I felt like I had a flu for 3 months)

What I am wondering, is since I have been on medications for such a long time, is there any potential issues that can arise from long term use of these medications?

Everything I have been reading, so far, seems to indicate that it is fine. I have not experienced any other medical issues that my doctors have concluded that is related to the medication what so ever. Was just wondering if anyone could add to this.

I am by no means going to stop my medication due to anything posted. I require my medication for a reason, that is crystal clear to me. :crazy:

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
I'm not aware of any credible sources indicating a risk from long-term use. While some of the SSRI medications are relatively new, Prozac (fluoxetine) was released around 1985-1987 depending on geographical location, so it's not like there hasn't been enough time for adverse risks to appear.


Resident Canuck
Thank you Dr Baxter. You added a key word "credible" sources.

I have seen quite a bit online information which seems to lack any medical evidence and is based solely on the writers opininons. Not taking into account the urgency some of us face in the eyes of quick onset symptoms that are potentially life threatening to us.

One of many reasons I appreciate this website. For it's creditable information that is based on a combination of research and best intention for the patients.

For anyone who might read this who is on the anti- regarding medication interventions side. I for one, wouldn't be here right now, if it was not for medication intervention. When symptoms escilate, medication is the fastest way to stabalize a patient.

I don't want the question I have posted to seem on the anti- side of medication.

Medication has improved my quality of life NOW. No matter what the future tells, I have absolutely no regrets.
thank you for asking the question, nicnak. this is something that's occasionally come to mind for me as well, although i've only been taking an anti-depressant for a little over two years now.

i would pick an anti-depressant any day over being "natural" but depressed. depression literally sucks the life out of a person.


Account Closed
Yes, thank you NicNak - those thoughts have crossed my mind too.

depression literally sucks the life out of a person really does.

I'm not on medication for depression yet. No one (my doctors) seems to be bringing it up anymore...Some days, it's really easy to convince myself that this means that they no longer think I need them - hmmm convenient!;) But, as days go on, I recognize that this is no longer an option for me. We'll get there.:)
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