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I recently smoked some pot and now my perception of reality has changed dramatically. I see things differently and experience the world around me differently. This difference scares me. It's not all scary and can be quite nice but mostly I can't seem to focus and this sends me into paranoia, feelings of dread, etc.

Can smoking pot be dangerous for a schizophrenic person and in what sort of way? (I don't smoke a lot. About 1 gram per year.)

Yesterday, I was watching TV in my room, the news, and the reporters became very real and it was as if there was no TV and only the reporter in my room talking to me. It was very intense. You see, there was that shift in my reality... And it became unpleasant because it was so intense and different. I also started hearing things in the rain as it poured outside my opened window.

I'm experiencing some difficulty writing this so I'll stop now. Thanks for reading!

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Can smoking pot be dangerous for a schizophrenic person and in what sort of way?

Absolutely. There is now increasing evidence that this is dangerous for anyone with schizophrenia or with a vulnerability to any psychotic illness. Additionally, smoking pot will mess with the medication you take to treat schizophrenia in unpredictable ways.
That's scary!

What exactly happens during a psychotic episode? I've experienced it for myself but I don't know what goes on inside. For instance, would you say that psychosis damages the brain? Also, could I die for mixing marijuana with Geodon? Thanks!

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
I don't think a psychotic episode damages the brain per se and I doubt that mixing marijuana with Geodon would be fatal. However, I don't think any good could come of it either.

Daniel E.
I've noticed that I have a hard time focusing on things. Even watching TV can be uncomfortable.
BTW, that's sometimes because one is focusing on other things instead, e.g. ruminative/obsessive thoughts.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
To add to what Daniel said (i.e., that it may be anxious worrying interfering with concentration or focus), if it is a result of smoking pot it shouldn't be permanent. Just don't smoke any more.
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