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I'm still working through lots of stuff. However, I wanted to inquire if anyone has been able to move past therapy, continue with meds and occasionally check in with a doctor re lab work and meds. My eventual goal is to be as free of therapists and doctors as much as I possibly can. I've always tried to live my life on my terms. Am I being realistic enough in my expectation that once I've gotten my world in tact that I'll be able to live without regular hands on care or am I simply blowing smoke? I want to hear from people who've been at this for 10-20 years and know the terrain. Thank you.


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I'm not quite there yet myself but I know people who are. They have access to a therapist when needed for an appointment or two at the most, when stuff crops up. But what your asking is not only possible but a reality. It is the major goal for myself too. :)

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
The answer is yes, Jesse. I have many clients who come to me for varying lengths of time and then decrease the frequency of appointments and eventually are able to discontinue them. Some may come back a year or two later for a few booster sessions; others don't even need that.

Added: With bipolar disorder, as you suggest, it usually is necessary to continue talking your prescribed medications.
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