More threads by Atlantean


I actually have overcome a lot of obstacles and trauma based issues in addition to my mental illness.

While I am still plagued by my anxiety and insomnia, as a survivor of DID (Multiple Personality Syndrome), and other very difficult situations in my life, I have made it a point to become an expert in fields that have impacted or involved me, and sought to reach out and help others.

I became especially active and was published in on online community for cutters, because they are a group of people that I still feel strongly connected to, though I no longer consider myself an "active" cutter.

What makes my story most remarkable, is I have done most my self improvement without benefit of psychologists, and lived with my illness (the DID) as a secret for many years. Being so reclusive and with everyone wanting to say I was "bi-polar" made it all the more easy to camouflage. I have had virtually no support until I got with my husband almost two years ago, and he has been a godsend and really provided a stabilizing influence on me.

There is actually a book about my life in production now, called "Indigo...the Journey". It covers my life, my thoughts, and what I have learned from what I have been through and try to pass on to the reader.

I hope that many people will be able to connect with me on one level or another, and with the wide variety of situations I was either born into or later stumbled upon, Im sure that many people will find something that resonates within them, as well.

Incidentally, I also started production of another book meant to take self-empowerment to a whole new level. While I cant reveal the name of the book yet Ill be sure to keep you all up to date. These things take forever, my first book was submitted on deadline Dec. 31, 2008 and they say that publication should take place within a year. Oddly enough, they make you wait six months before submitting another manuscript and I dont anticipate it taking six months to finish this book (Which I am sooo excited about), so I guess Ill have to sit and wait. LOL, which Im not good at.:juggle:


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Re: Me.

Thank you for sharing with us Atlantea. Your story is inspiring on many levels.

I'm also very excited for you!! So I'll bring out the :cosmo: (bubbly) and toast to your recent successes (both the book in production and the one to be published). :goodjob:
Re: Me.

How cool! Thanks for sharing that with us. I'm sorry you've been through so much, but it sounds like you're going to be helping a lot of people with your story.


Re: Me.

Thank you for sharing with us Atlantea. Your story is inspiring on many levels.

I'm also very excited for you!! So I'll bring out the :cosmo: (bubbly) and toast to your recent successes (both the book in production and the one to be published). :goodjob:

Thanks so much for your well wishes. LOL, I hope breaking out the bubbly early isnt bad luck. j/k '-)

How cool! Thanks for sharing that with us. I'm sorry you've been through so much, but it sounds like you're going to be helping a lot of people with your story.

I really hope I am. I really believe thats why I have been put in the life I have been, to later help others. And especially with this second book which is really meant to change the world, I hope I can have some kind of effect on humanity as a whole. That may be a big goal (LOL, or a sign of grandiosity?), but its still my intended purpose, and what I feel led to do.


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Re: Me.

Thanks so much for your well wishes. LOL, I hope breaking out the bubbly early isnt bad luck. j/k '-)

Not if we celebrate again when your book is actually in print and you can share the title with us! ;) :lol:


Re: Me.

That is awesome that you are writing a book and it is being published. I will definitely wait for it :)


Member a survivor of DID (Multiple Personality Syndrome)...
You're the first person I've met in these forums who also had DID, but you say that you have "survived" it. Does that mean that you have come through it? I will be interested to read your book. Please let us know when it comes out.
...I have done most my self improvement without benefit of psychologists...
Remarkable! Does your book contain the tools you used to come out of it.
..everyone wanting to say I was "bi-polar" made it all the more easy to camouflage....
Yes, bipolar is a common diagnosis for people found later to have DID. My first diagnosis was BP, but not for long and years before DID (or MPD as it was then called) was looked at seriously.
...I got with my husband almost two years ago, and he has been a godsend and really provided a stabilizing influence on me.
That's wonderful!
...There is actually a book about my life in production now, called "Indigo...the Journey". It covers my life, my thoughts, and what I have learned from what I have been through and try to pass on to the reader....
Let us know when it is available
...I also started production of another book meant to take self-empowerment to a whole new level. While I cant reveal the name of the book yet Ill be sure to keep you all up to date....
Please do.
I don't recall meeting you before. If I haven't said so, welcome to Psychlinks!


Well, I dont really know how I came through and"consolidated" everybody, I think once I had the intent, I would just become aware of the role that fragment of my mind dealt with, and I would say "thank you" to them for serving the role the did, but that I was ready to handle that part of my life on my own, now.

The scary part, is I thought I had consolidated everyone away and was just me for around seven years, then I had a major breakthrough where it turned out my 'gate keeper' had still been running the show, and when I let go of her, it was excruciating. My head just flooded with things I never knew I did, it was like I got my life back, but it was extremely difficult. I cried, kicked and screamed, and my husband couldnt believe no one called the police. I actually still feel her influence when Im at my wits end and losing control, and its somewhat comforting. I have a real love/hate relationship with her, and I lost a day where I woke up the next morning with black hair (mines naturally med/dark brown) and I knew Starr had been back for a brief period of time, as she dyed her hair black for eight years, and wore much more dramatic makeup than I did.

NOTE: WHile I was able to integrate all my alters, I would not recommend anyone attempting to treat themselves without the care of a clinician or trained psychologist. You can always give it a shot, but you dont want to take away all your supports and suddenly become overwhelmed by life, and all the things that come along with it. Im on 300mg of thorazine, 300mg trazadone, and 6mg clonipin just to handle my terrible anxiety and lack of being able to sleep, I have terrible insomnia.

There are times I regret losing Starr, but my husband hated her.

Its really weird when I can feel her presence.. its like a ghost or something that you feel in your body, and you know they are just waiting for the chance to take over. So, handle with care. If youd like to talk sometime, pm me your number and Ill call you after peak hours (7pm EST)

Regarding the book, I just got their final approval on my final revision, and it should be out by the end of the year. its titled "Indigo...the Journey"



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I don't have DID but I have worked with quite a few people who have/had it.

There are times I regret losing Starr, but my husband hated her.

Its really weird when I can feel her presence.. its like a ghost or something that you feel in your body, and you know they are just waiting for the chance to take over. So, handle with care.

Starr is still around as she is an aspect of you. Now she is inigrated with you and helps form your whole personality.

Congrats on the book. :)


Well, I dont really know how I came through and"consolidated" everybody, I think once I had the intent, I would just become aware of the role that fragment of my mind dealt with, and I would say "thank you" to them for serving the role the did, but that I was ready to handle that part of my life on my own, now....
I''m finding that I need to work with them a bit differently. Must say that I've been doing some excellent work especially with my counsellor. turned out my 'gate keeper' had still been running the show, and when I let go of her, it was excruciating. My head just flooded with things I never knew I did, it was like I got my life back, but it was extremely difficult....
I can just imagine how awful that experience must have been for you.

..WHile I was able to integrate all my alters, I would not recommend anyone attempting to treat themselves without the care of a clinician or trained psychologist....
I'm lucky to have both a wonderful psychiatrist who specializes in DID as well as a counsellor with whom I'm doing excellent work.

..There are times I regret losing Starr...
Yes, I can undersand that.
...If youd like to talk sometime, pm me your number and Ill call you after peak hours (7pm EST)
Thank you very much for that offer. I'll definitely keep it in mind. Right now, I've been needing to take things very quietly but will be glad to catch up at another time and through here :)
Take very good care :hug:
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