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David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Meat and the environment: Do Canadians know what's at stake?
by Andre Mayer, CBC News
Apr 19, 2019


(William Thomas Cain/Getty Images)

Our story last week on the five things that Canada could do to significantly reduce carbon emissions garnered a lot of reader feedback, and one recurring criticism: Why didn't we mention eating less meat?

First off: Fair point. Meat production is indeed one of the biggest culprits for greenhouse gases. According to the United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization, livestock accounts for nearly 15 per cent of worldwide emissions. The emissions are produced through a variety of factors, including energy use (which often requires fossil fuels) and methane from the animals themselves.

Derek Gladwin, a fellow of the UBC Sustainability Initiative at the University of British Columbia, said the largest chunk of these emissions - 11 per cent - comes from "unsustainable forms of mass-scale factory farming." Gladwin said as much as 70 per cent of the Amazon has been deforested for factory-farmed beef.

Mandating that Canadians eat less meat for the good of the planet would be a challenge for any government (likely even more so than getting countrywide buy-in for a carbon tax). Yet the latest version of the Canada Food Guide provided a nudge in that direction, suggesting consumers "choose protein foods that come from plants more often."

Gladwin said there are "many" challenges when it comes to promoting a more plant-based diet. "The meat industry is one of the largest sectors of the Canadian economy and it retains strong social influence on politics, marketing, media and education more generally."

He doesn't think most Canadians grasp the connection between meat production and carbon emissions. That may be so, but there's no denying that more people are, if not shunning meat outright, looking for alternatives.

Evan Fraser, director of the Arrell Food Institute at the University of Guelph, noted that for reasons of health, animal welfare, cost, convenience and selection, more people are willing to give non-meat proteins a try. A study released in October estimated that more than six million Canadians restrict their meat intake,:acrobat: and a third are thinking of reducing their meat consumption over the next six months.

And the market is responding. Fraser said one major sign of change is the fact that Maple Leaf Foods, one of Canada's most recognizable purveyors of meat, now offers a variety of plant-based options (e.g., soy- and pea-protein hot dogs) through its Lightlife brand. It's part of Maple Leaf's self-styled mission to become "the most sustainable protein company on Earth."

Fraser said it's hard to discern a single driver of this eating trend. It seems that health, variety and the environment are all a part of consumers' decision-making processes.

"It's a bit of everything, is my sense," Fraser said. But he said one thing is clear: "We're at a point of major disruption."

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Whenever I talk about this issue, inevitably someone replies with, "I'm not giving up meat!"

Notice in the article above that it does not say, "stop eating meat" or even "stop eating beef" (the worst culprit in terms of damage to the environment.

What is actually says is that for both personal health reasons and environmental reasons, we need to consume (and produce) less meat, especially beef, and convert agriculture more to plant-based food.

That's a win-win situation. Not rocket science.

Daniel E.
Maple Leaf Foods, one of Canada's most recognizable purveyors of meat, now offers a variety of plant-based options (e.g., soy- and pea-protein hot dogs) through its Lightlife brand.

We have that vegetarian brand, LightLife, here. It's one of the best (relatively speaking).

LightLife - Wikipedia

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
I confess that at the urging of a vegan friend I tried a veggie burger years ago at Kelsey's restaurant. I thought it tasted pretty good but I felt ill later that evening and continued to feel sick all the next day.

I accept that that was more likely to be Kelsey's than veggie burgers per se but I won't deny that it has made me reluctant to try another veggie burger even after all these years.

And, of course, now that I am informed that one of the ingredients is bits of metal I am doubly reluctant. :panic:

Daniel E.
I like almost all of the veggie burgers, but my husband -- whose favorite meat was ground beef before becoming a vegetarian -- hates most veggie burgers with a passion. Carls Jr. (Hardees) now makes a veggie burger my husband will eat every now and then, but it tastes too much like meat for me.

What my husband and I both like: The deli "meats," veggie bacon for BLTs, and Morningstar breakfast (soy) sausage.

Of course, most of what we eat for protein is not so processed: beans, eggs, etc.
My husband and I tried out vegetarian meals to help him out with his intestinal issues. We weren’t super-strict, though. Eggs, dairy products, and fish were still okay with us.

He got to stay out of the hospital tor the longest time while we were eating vegetarian!

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