about two years ago tablets i was taking as well as other things that ment that in a year i went from 13 stone to 19. i stoped taking these tablets very soon after (about a year afyer) but am till finding it hard to loose any weight. doctors will only give me cetain tables that havent worked and ive complety changed my diet but its not had much of a difference and my craving for food is constant. ive tried exercise but found that im almost always to depressed to even start exercise sometimes. so its turned int o viceous circle where i dont exercise (and sometimes pig out because of these cravings and because im so depressed) and then that makes me way to depressed to exercise. its been going on ages now and im its been beging to really get to me ive lost all my confedence especially with women (wich gets me vene more down) but every time i go to exerecise i either start nad just give up half way through cause i dont see the point or i seat there wanting to exercise been and so down i dont have the energy to do much at all. just look ing if anyone has any advice as my confedence goes down everyday i maytaine the weight, im still used to being about 12-13 stone and feel so disgusting being the weight i am especially when i catch myself in the mirror. and as i said its effecting other parts of my life reall bad