More threads by Raheelah


was on 5mg of Olanzapine, but saw the gp this morning and asked for the dose to be upped so i am now on 10mg, she did suggest 7and a half but i felt that that would not do any good. i asked to see if the higher dose kills the voices for good as the 5mg had done a bit of good

Re: medication

Hi Raheelah,

Good to hear that you're working with your doctor to get things in balance. Best of luck with it!

I noticed you're in the BPD forum; is that your diagnosis? I only ask because I have it myself, and this section of the forum doesn't get nearly as much activity as some of the others!
Re: medication

Well, hello and welcome. :)

You said you're hoping that raising your dose of medication "kills the voices for good"... would you mind sharing your experiences on that subject? It's fine if you're not comfortable discussing it-- I just have a lot of curiosity about this disorder, and I always love to hear from others who've been diagnosed with it. There seem to be so many different ways that BPD can present itself, making us a pretty diverse crowd!

Peace ~~


Re: medication

Hi Guys,

I agree that this forum does not get enough activity! I suppose there are so many different ones to post on and we Borderlines can fit into alot of categories!

I hope the medication increase works for you, I was on Seroquel and Sertraline and found the Seroquel made me more stable than I've ever felt. I'm now off all meds planning a second pregnancy and struggling without it.

Take care,

Re: medication

I still find that any of the SSRI drugs do a pretty good job of keeping me a little more level. I'm taking citalopram now, with alprazolam on an "as needed" basis-- usually to help me sleep at night, or for when I'm having a particularly bad day.

I hope we can get more conversation going in here! I really enjoy the entire site, and I love interacting with anyone who has dealt with mental illness of any sort-- but it's especially cool to me when I can talk to others with the same diagnosis. Statistically, I can't be, but I feel like the only one for a hundred miles around!!


Hi Raheelah,

I hope that the new dosage of medication helps you :)
By the way, welcome to the forums :)

I'm no BPD but have had a friend who was and I was *so* impressed by her strength, her courage and integrity in the face of what strikes me as one of the less well-understood and much less supported forms of mental illness.

I wish *all* well who suffer this diagnosis :heart: :support: :flowers:
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