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Can you believe it?? It's not that I was a huge fan or anything, but I think it's impossible to have lived through the eighties and not feel something at this news.

I always felt sorry for the guy. He never had a chance at a normal life, as far as I could tell. I sincerely hope he's happy now.


Resident Canuck
Re: Michael Jackson- le roi est mort...

I always felt sorry for him too. I heard the news tonight too. I was a huge fan when I was little.

It is sad.


Re: Michael Jackson- le roi est mort...

Hey Charity - Yes, the news about Michael Jackson is shocking! I remember him as the charming and sweet young boy on stage singing "Ben" - a song I adored - along with his brothers in The Jackson Five! They were amazing and broke big barriers in the music industry back in the day!

I am and was a great fan of his music - his talent - but as a person I think he had some serious issues and some of those troubles may have had a lasting effect on innocent little kids if the allegations against him were true, JMO, (although to my knowledge the accusations were never proven in court). When all the controversy surrounding his fascination with children occured it did affect my ability to listen to his music with the same appreciation I once had - sad, but true for me.

Your words in your last sentence say exactly how I feel so I'll leave it at that!:(

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Re: Michael Jackson- le roi est mort...

He's not The King - that title belongs to Elvis. He was a very eccentric, often just plain weird, and in many ways fragile individual. Initial reports indicate that he died of a heart attack.

One thing I didn't realize is that all of his three children have the name Michael...

Michael Jackson Dies |

Michael is survived by three children: Michael Joseph Jackson, Jr., Paris Michael Katherine Jackson and Prince "Blanket" Michael Jackson II.

Farrah Fawcett also died today:

Farrah Fawcett Dies
25 Jun 09

Farrah Fawcett died today. Farrah lost her battle to cancer in Los Angeles, California. Fawcett?s long-time companion, Ryan O?Neal was at her bedside. She was 62. Fawcett is best known as for her role as Jill Munro in the Charlie?s Angels franchise.


Account Closed
Re: Michael Jackson- le roi est mort...

It's definitely sad news. Neither Farrah Fawcett nor Michael Jackson were at ages where we death is 'acceptable' -As wonkey as this sounds, Farrah Fawcett had a wonderful life full of love and family. I wish that Michael Jackson could have found that meaning of life - he was definitely troubled. I can't help but feel that he was robbed from life right of the bat- at the tender age of 5. Sad to think that someone lived 50 years without truly understanding what this life is really about....I'm sad for Ed McMahon too -but one has to hope that at 86, he had a full and beautiful life...


Re: Michael Jackson- le roi est mort...

Hi Dr. Baxter!:)

I was wondering why you began your post with stating that Michael Jackson was not the King - Elvis Presley - then I figured out the French in the title of the thread - and yes, I am Canadian!:panic: I think he was known as the King of Pop though wasn't he??

Very odd indeed about all Michael Jackson's children having the same name!:eek:mg:

I think it is sad to hear about Farrah Fawcett as well, but her death was expected. The sad thing was that she really wanted so badly to live and her last few years were spent searching for hope and a cure. And yes, Ed McMahon passed away as well - another iconic media presence as Johnny Carson's sidekick - he lived a good long life though which was nice for him and his family, but these are people I don't really "know" so the sadness I do feel is not deep or life changing - sorry if that makes me sound like a heartless person.

Truly, when celebrities die I do think sentimentally about a time in my own life - they are a part of pop culture - I remember watching Charlie's Angels when Farrah Fawcett became famous for her signature hairstyle in the 70's and perhaps more memorable for men, the red bathing suit; I remember Michael Jackson's moonwalk and his Thriller album which my then young teenage kids adored and he was extremely versatile musically, IMO - some of my favorite tunes of his were "Black and White" and "The Way You Make Me Feel" and the superbly evocative, "Cry". I rarely watched Johnny Carson and Ed McMahon on The Tonight Show - but they seemed like decent guys.

The news about these people is sad but it is their loved ones' I feel for because it does not truly effect me in a deeply personal way and I don't think my feelings matter whatsoever to their families.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Re: Michael Jackson- le roi est mort...

I think he was known as the King of Pop though wasn't he??

You may have a point. I can't say I was ever a big fan of his. I felt sorry for him but I also felt sorry for his children.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
The life of Michael Jackson

The life of Michael Jackson
Globe and Mail
June 25, 2009

Michael Jackson, 50, one of pop music's biggest stars, died Thursday.

Here are some key facts about the life of the self-proclaimed “king of pop.”


  • Jackson was born on Aug. 29, 1958, in Gary, Indiana, the seventh of nine children. Five Jackson boys Jackie, Tito, Jermaine, Marlon and Michael first performed together at a talent show when Michael was 6. They walked off with first prize.
  • Their group later became The Jackson Five, and when it was signed by Motown Records in the late 1960s it underwent its final metamorphosis to become The Jackson 5. Jackson made his first solo album in 1972.

  • Jackson released Thriller in 1982, which became a smash hit that yielded seven top-ten singles. The album sold 21 million copies in the United States and at least 27 million worldwide.
  • The next year, he unveiled his signature “moonwalk” dance move while performing Billie Jean during an NBC special.
  • Jackson's lifetime record sales tally is believed to be about 750 million, which, added to the 13 Grammy Awards he has received, makes him one of the most successful entertainers of all time.

  • In 1993, Jackson was accused of sexually abusing a 13-year-old boy, and police raided his California ranch Neverland.
  • The same year, Jackson announced he had become addicted to painkillers and abruptly canceled a world tour to promote his album, Dangerous.
  • He reached a settlement in 1994, later reported to be $23 million, with the family of the boy he was accused of abusing.

  • In 1994, Jackson married Elvis Presley's only child, Lisa Marie, but the marriage ended in divorce in 1996. Jackson married Debbie Rowe the same year and had two children, before splitting in 1999. The couple never lived together.
  • Jackson has three children named Prince Michael I, Paris Michael and Prince Michael II, known for his brief public appearance when his father held him over the railing of a hotel balcony, causing widespread criticism.

  • A television documentary Living with Michael Jackson was aired in 2003, saying that Jackson still had sleepovers with young boys and had his third child with a surrogate mother. Jackson aired his own rebuttal.
  • Jackson went on trial in 2005 on charges of molesting a 13-year-old boy in 2003, as well as conspiring to abduct the boy. The singer faced nearly 20 years in prison if convicted.
  • The four-month trial ended in June 2005 with his being acquitted of all charges. Jackson has spent time in Bahrain, Ireland and France since the child molestation case ended.

  • After several false dawns, Mr. Jackson and music promoter AEG Live announced he would perform 50 concerts at London's O2 Arena. Mr. Jackson was due to start the concerts on July 13. He had been rehearsing in the Los Angeles area for the London shows, which sold out within hours of going on sale in March.


Re: Michael Jackson- le roi est mort...

...Me too...

me too . . . his children and possibly other children as well, JMO. It just drives home the point that victims have to work hard to heal so that abuse will not be perpetuated in the future in relationships with children. The cycle can be broken. I hope these children find support in their lives as they work to do just that.


Resident Canuck
Michael Jackson also did a lot of charity work around the world, he helped write this song. Before Michael Jackson and Princess Diana were both instrumental in their world work and ofcourse Mother Teresa. Michael Jackson and Princess Diana were the ones in heavy media spotlights that used their celebrity status to help others at that time.

I also wanted to add, Michael Jackson would have been at one point the wealthiest person in the world but due to the money he gave to charities, his did not get that so called "title"

YouTube - we are the world

He continued helping afterward too.

This is my favorite song of his, maybe cause I am a bit of an Earth gal. He also brought Environmental issues forward too. This his vocals give me chills, he seemed so passionate about what he sang about.

This video could trigger some, Earth Song.

YouTube - Michael Jackson - Earth Song - World Environment Day

and ofcourse can't forget this one too. This video could also be triggering

YouTube - Michael Jackson - Heal The World
My first reaction to this news was not sadness but relief for him, that his tormented life is over, I also think his facial mutilation would not have resisted old age. I think he was an incredibly sad and forlorn person. His suffering is over, and as Dr. Baxter says lets hope his children will not be be too damaged or traumatised by the way they were treated by his particularly innappropriate parenting.
Last edited:


I am sorry to hear of Michael Jacksons death today and my thoughts are with his family, fans and friends, loosing someone is never easy.

However I've never been a fan of Micheal Jackson or his music, or the way he lives his life and his alledged abuse of children. I do not see him as a legend, true legends to me are Elvis, Buddy Holly, Jimi Hendrix and Bowie etc etc

Its sad to hear that we have lost two others today. I loved Charlies Angels brings back good memories.


did anyone notice how much media mj got compared to farah? im not complaining-but its just noticeable how they did that. i think that the media jumped so fast on mj's death wagon that they forgot about farah, and after about 4 hours of extensive mj coverage, they finally included farahs name beside michaels on tv.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
I am sorry to hear of Michael Jacksons death today and my thoughts are with his family, fans and friends, loosing someone is never easy.

However I've never been a fan of Micheal Jackson or his music, or the way he lives his life and his alledged abuse of children. I do not see him as a legend, true legends to me are Elvis, Buddy Holly, Jimi Hendrix and Bowie etc etc

I tend to agree. Listening to a news show on the radion coming home from work last night, the commentator pointed out that he had sold more albums than anyone in history, including bands like the Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, etc.

There's no doubt that he was financially successful (although he reportedly died $400 million in debt). But have we reached the point where we judge the contribution of an entertainer by how much money s/he makes?

It seems to me that, while he was a talented child and retained some of the talent as an individual, his legacy is going to be more one of notoriety (about the persistent charges of pedophilia, his obsession with appearance and health, etc.) than significant musical contributions.


did anyone notice how much media mj got compared to farah? im not complaining-but its just noticeable how they did that. i think that the media jumped so fast on mj's death wagon that they forgot about farah, and after about 4 hours of extensive mj coverage, they finally included farahs name beside michaels on tv.

Yes, it is the same here. (UK) Our local channel did a very long tribute to Michael and Farah got a quick mention at the end. Everyone knows Michael is dead but alot don't know about Farah.

---------- Post added at 04:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:16 PM ----------

I tend to agree. Listening to a news show on the radion coming home from work last night, the commentator pointed out that he had sold more albums than anyone in history, including bands like the Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, etc.

He may have sold more albums but in my view he can never be compared to bands like the Stones, Beatles or Zeppelin, sorry he doesn't even come close for me, musically or otherwise.


Re: Michael Jackson- le roi est mort...

You may have a point. I can't say I was ever a big fan of his. I felt sorry for him but I also felt sorry for his children.

Yes, as disturbed as he was, to be his child must be horrendous.
For some reason, I think I feel less sad about his death than I do about his lack of a real and full life while he lived.
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