More threads by Mike902


Hi, I'm Mike.

I'm 31 years old physically, but 10, mentally.

I really just need a place to get support for my mental handicap, as I'm really having a hard time lately.

I'll be posting soon a more detailed post about my problem.

My Dad is helping me a lot with it, and with my posting. :)


Hi Mike and welcome to Psychlinks :welcome2:

I am glad that you decided to join us and I hope to see you around :wave:



I know that it can be scary to talk about yourself on here at first but I am sure you will see soon that we are really a great bunch of people that care about each other. I am sure you will fit in just fine :)


Hi Mike,

Welcome to Psychlinks. You'll find a very caring community of people here, that will help you in any way that we can.


You guys seem great, but still, I'm kinda scared. I am new to talking about this to strangers. Dad and I posted the details: I can't post the link.

Dad just had to add the embarrassing parts.

I just at times have no idea what to do. I hate always having to be 31, like expected. I hate not being able to do what my mind wants, which is just be a kid. Go out and do kid things. Yet, I cant because it would not look right.


Hi. :)

I'm still browsing, and been wondering. Is there a place here where we may discuss the childhood abuse we went through?
I'd like to try to tell it all, and see if it'll help me feel a bit better.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
That might be better in a private journal, Mike. You can certainly talk about the feelings you have but posting details of your abuse might be triggering for other abuse survivors.



Do you have a therapist that you can talk to about this? More than likely talking to someone about what you went through will help but a therapist is probably the best person.


Account Closed
Yes, a therapist is a good choice. We provide support but Dr. Baxter is right - talking specifically about the abuse may be triggering for other members. But talking about your feelings here is no problem.

Do you know how soon you will getting a therapist? They are valuable tools.


Will be after we move. We are moving soon, and a distance, so have to wait until we get settled. I just hope that where we go, people will accept me.
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