More threads by David Baxter PhD


Thanks David, Good clip.

Aspirin ASA is as deadly as life saving.

Healthy people should not take it as they advertise to prevent heart attacks. And regular non enteric coated Aspirin or generic ASA on a daily basis can cause stomach ulcers, internal bleeding and even life threatening conditions.

An Aspirin a day, well 81mg Entreric coated ASA really, is only for people that have a potential or elevated risk of having a heart attack/stroke and well if you have had one before then you're already on it for life.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
And there are several other medical conditions which would contraindicate using daily aspirin, including certain types of cancer or concerns about liver and kidney function.


So true.
When I was complaining to my doc once asking if they were trying to kill me with all the meds I was on and had to try all the time he said "Nah, no need to worry about any of that crap, if anything's gonna kil ya it'll be the Aspirin long before anything else"
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