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Can anyone tell me what mood disorder is. I have a new great pyschiatrist treating my ocd with anafranil but after four weeks felt overwhelmed and as though i was getting ill with it again? luckily i spoke to my dr and i said i was worried and that perhaps i was bipolar - he said that i wasnt but there are many mood disorders which can coexist with ocd but not to get het up about that as this was more how physicians would describe it.
Reallllly worried :(

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
A mood disorder is basically just what it sounds like: A disorder of your mood (i.e., depressed mood or euphoric mood). Usually, this refers to depression or bipolar disorder, but it can also refer to dysthymia, cyclothymia, a drug- or alcohol-induced mood disorder, or what is termed "Mood Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition".
Thank you for replying. I am sorry to be a bother as havent needed to post just recently as have been feeling so much better.
Dr Baxter do you think he meant i could have depression as well as ocd. I did ask outright about bipolar but he was very thorough and said i wasnt. Also so i could have mood disorder due to ocd (medical condition) sorry just trying to get it right in my mind
Next time you see you pdoc ask him to clarify what he meant by mood disorder if it was depression that way you can be clear as to where his thought process is at too I am glad you are feeling better on your new meds t hat is good news


If you have a mood disorder, your general emotional state or mood is distorted, or inconsistent, with your circumstances. The two most common mood disorders are depression and bipolar disorder. Another mood disorder is seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a form of depression most often associated with fewer hours of daylight in extreme northern and southern latitudes from late fall to early spring.

Also, Stringbean, have a look at this Psychlinks Post, and the attached :acrobat: booklets

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Thank you for replying. I am sorry to be a bother as havent needed to post just recently as have been feeling so much better.
Dr Baxter do you think he meant i could have depression as well as ocd. I did ask outright about bipolar but he was very thorough and said i wasnt. Also so i could have mood disorder due to ocd (medical condition) sorry just trying to get it right in my mind

I donm't know for certain what your doctor meant, of course, but I would guess that he is wondering about depression. And yes, it might indeed be reactive to or secondary to OCD. That would not be unusual. People who struggle with OCD or other anxiety-based disorders over a period of time do often experience depressive reactions to that struggle. This isn't really a "new" problem or issue. It's more another manifestation of OCD. Generally, when your OCD is under better control, I would expect the depressive mood to lift.
Thank you all, its nice to get feed back.
I have found that ocd has always given me depression as its a hard struggle. The strange thing is that the ocd is very much under control then on Wednesday woke up and didn't feel so good which led to me getting really worried that i was getting ill again, which made me feel unsettled and from there was worried wouldn't cope and lose control( now i type it it sounds like ocd ~) but i cannot stop now worrying about the mood thing.
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