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I have found some nifty mood tracking apps for the iPhone.

One that I really like is called Moody Me (free).

I also have Mood Journal Plus ($6.99).

Other apps that may be of interest are:

iTriage (Free) - keep track of your doctors, procedures, medications, and symptoms.

MyMedSchedule (Free) - enter in your medications and the times you take them. Your phone will then alert you when it is time for you to take your meds.

Sleep Machine ($1.99) - choose from a selection of sounds to block out ambient noise.

Instant Heart Rate ($.99) - measures your heart rate. You have to have at least an iPhone 4 for this. Also it is supposed to take the reading from your fingertip but my finger is too small so I use my wrist (where you get your pulse taken). Place the camera over your wrist.

Sleep Time ($.99)- This app is awesome! You place the phone face down on your bed when you retire for the night and set the alarm. The phone then measures your sleep cycles. It displays them graphically telling you how long you were in REM sleep, light sleep and awake. Amazing! I wouldn't use this everyday but if you were having trouble sleeping and wanted to show your pdoc, this would be a good representation.

If anyone else has found any beneficial apps, please post. Thanks.
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