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Resident Canuck
Moses, Jesus and Some Other Guy

Jesus, Moses, and some other guy were golfing. Moses tees up and it starts going towards the water and Moses raises his hand and parts the lake. The ball bounces off of the lake bed and onto the green 5 yards from the hole. Jesus tees up and hits the ball and it starts going toward the lake. He says if I can walk on water so can my ball. The ball bounces off of the water and onto the green 1 yard from the hole. The other guy gets up and whiffs the ball. A frog grabs the ball and starts hopping toward the lake. A bird comes down and grabs the frog and lands in a nearby tree. Right before the bird eats the frog the frog lets go of the ball and the ball bounces on the green and into the hole. Moses looked at Jesus and said see this is why I don't like playing with your dad
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