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Yesterday I went shopping for Mothers Day cards.I decided that while I was buying one for my MIL I would get one for my own mother too even though I have not seen her in 4 or 5 years.I thought even though she's not in my life,she's still my mom and it's the least I can do.

It has been so long since I bought her one that I forgot how hard it is to find the right one for her.I found one fairly quick for my MIL,one that said how much she is loved,what a good person she is,that she is kind,loving,etc.But it took forever to find one for my own mom and I was getting frustrated with it and ended up choosing one that said ' hope you have a good day'.It was one of the cheapest ones,just 50 cents,while the other one I bought was one of the most expensive ones.

I almost wish I hadn't bought one for my mom.All it did was make me sad.I wish there were cards that said things like ' you really failed me,you have never been a good mother but I still love you,regardless' or something like 'I wish you could for once just be what I need and want you to be'.

Anyway,Happy Mothers Day tomorrow to all the mothers.

---------- Post Merged at 10:49 AM ---------- Previous Post was at 07:48 AM ----------

I cried a bit after I posted that but I am fine now.I can wish all I want that my mom could be who and what I would like but it's not going to happen.

I have a caring mother figure in my life now and I think I will give her a call tomorrow.

Happy Mothers Day....
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