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David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
The thread title caught my attention. My youngest son was expelled from the bus in kindergarten or grade 1 for calling the bus drive "Mr. Busdriverhead"... :panic:

They were taking "zero tolerance" just a tad too seriously on that bus in those days.


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I like that "Mr. Busdriverhead"..Who knew 1) that you could get expelled from kindergarten? 2) that this would get you expelled? :)

Jazzey's new saying of the day: "Mr. Meanhead" (trust me, I was polite) :lol:

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
He was just suspended from the bus, not from school.

I was actually kind of proud fo him. Obviously, the man deserved to be called Mr. Busdriverhead, if he was that sensitive. :D


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:lol: Yes, I must admit that it's hard to put on that stern face with a child when you're too busy being proud of them and smiling inwardly.


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Very :cool2: NN.

And very funny David. Glad your son was only suspended from the bus. And your probably right that the busdriver deserved the name. :D
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