More threads by Furious J

Furious J


I'm J. I'm 31 years old and I live in Small Town British Columbia, Canada. I'm single and I have no children. I was diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome as a child. I have many issues and they're all very hard for me to understand and articulate. A.S is such a limited body of knowledge. I feel terrible about myself most of the time. But, I've been getting better over the years. Being here is one of the steps in my plan. Communication with people in similar situations... It's been a long road for me. Just being able to say "I have a mental illness" is challenging. Every day is a struggle, but I keep fighting. I get out more often, and I'm in better physical shape than I've ever been. I'm seeking professional help for my depression. I'm returning to University. This is the new me. Forward looking and unapologetic. I have a mental illness, and I think I'll eventually be ok.

Nice to meet you, folks. We'll talk soon.


Welcome to Psychlinks, FJ! We're glad you've joined us and we hope we can help.

It sounds like you have made a giant step forward in improving your quality of life by coming to terms with your situation and putting together a plan to find ways to best deal with it.

Have you received any support or counseling in connection with Asperger's?

How was the diagnosis for depression made and do you have an appointment for treatment for depression or are you still making arrangements?

Feel free to join in any ongoing Forum discussion, or start some of your own.

Enjoy Psychlinks!


Welcome Furious J.

I applaud you on your courage to take the next steps in your recovery.

Stigma is a difficult challenge many of us face, regardless of particular diagnosis. I'm dx'd with ptsd, nice to meet you. :)

This forum can be a comforting place of support and acceptance, through whatever challenges are faced in our recovery.

Furious J

Thanks everybody. This is a rather large step for me. I don't live in the most inclusive and/or understanding community, so I'm not used to speaking freely. Please bear with me.

@ Steve: There is no support where I'm at. It took me over 3 months just to meet a specialist on this condition. He shuffled me in and out of the office in about 15 minutes. He wasn't very nice, at all. I guess when you're the only game in town, you can treat your clientele like crap.

My depression diagnosis was made in my late teens after I had attempted suicide. My treatment has been ongoing.
Just want to say hi and to say i am glad to see you reaching out for some support It sounds like you now have some control in your life and i hope you continue to move forward. I do hope you have a better therapist now and a team to help you to accomplish you goals
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