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MVP, Forum Supporter
Is it common to have multiple OCD worries or obsessions at once? My head has been so full of multiple worries and obsessions from weight loss obsessions, fear of people shooting me to having conversations in my head with people non stop. I cant seem to have a normal thought these days. I don't know what caused this having gone a long time with not a lot of issues, now I am forgetting all I learned and mind won't shut up.

Daniel E.
A thought lasts like only 2 or 3 seconds.

Anyway, one way of thinking about it is that these different obsessions are different TV channels. When you are not anxious (or "triggered"), none of these channels may bother you. But when you are anxious, your brain attributes your anxiety to "OCD TV":

he worked with a patient who cycled through various different obsessions, and who at various points of his cycle would be either unaffected by particular thoughts or made terribly anxious and compulsive by them, at different points in time. His belief is that these periods of non-distress in relationship to the presence of certain thoughts, are evidence that thoughts are not the primary contributor to the anxiety. Though the origin of how thoughts become obsessions may be unknown at this time, the point is that there is nothing special about the obsessive thoughts themselves; it is more about the spontaneous attachment of intense anxiety to some thought that is important to focus on clinically.



MVP, Forum Supporter
Thats a great reminder Daniel, thanks very much:)

I am just working to try and remember all that I have learned on this topic, what you have said is helpful. I am going to focus on this over the next while and hopefully be back on here soon in a positive frame of mind.

THansk for the help.
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