More threads by Cat Dancer

threw up on MY blanket! :hissyfit: I mean, there's only a couple hundred other places in the house she could have done that, so why? Is it some kind of sick revenge for me doing something I didn't even know I did?

Grrrrr. :hissyfit:


Cat yak. Warm, plentiful, and oh-so-steamy. Except in the the dark. Sorry--guess it's their way of saying, "Gakk!"

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
It's the feline equivalent of saying, "Here... want half my mouse?"...

...or more like, "Oh, darn... I forgot to save you some... oh well... here you go... GAKK!" :panic:
LOL. It could have been worse and I could have stepped in it. I did wash the blanket and hung it outside to dry so it's nice and clean now and smells really good too.


Account Closed
Ok - I need to share.

My sister who lives in BC went to visit my sister who lives in Ontario. Well the one from BC left her suitcase open - and the cat pee'd in her suitcase. Clothes and all. :D

Wonder what the cat was offering at that time?

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Ok - I need to share.

My sister who lives in BC went to visit my sister who lives in Ontario. Well the one from BC left her suitcase open - and the cat pee'd in her suitcase. Clothes and all. :D

Wonder what the cat was offering at that time?

A hint? "You're crowding my style, woman... go home and do some laundry or something!"


Resident Canuck
Ok - I need to share.

My sister who lives in BC went to visit my sister who lives in Ontario. Well the one from BC left her suitcase open - and the cat pee'd in her suitcase. Clothes and all. :D

Wonder what the cat was offering at that time?

From what I know of cats, when they soil this way on a persons things, it means they are not happy.

Probably the cat remembered the last time the suitcase came out, that the owners went away.

That is a cats revenge in a sense.

Throw up, I think it just comes onto them quick and they yack where ever is close by.

My cat Jewel sometimes will hide when she does throw up cause I think she thinks she is in trouble. Most of the time she will yack on the carpet in the living room.

I have heard also it is a sign of admiration toward a cats "owner" (in quotes as people don't own cats, cats own people) when they hunt and leave us "treats".

They are such funny characters. :lol:
My cat's most impressive yakk was a few years ago where she did a projectile offering down the entire side of the microwave....

What? oh no, of course not - the cat is never up on the kitchen counters...


Account Closed
My cat's most impressive yakk was a few years ago where she did a projectile offering down the entire side of the microwave....

What? oh no, of course not - the cat is never up on the kitchen counters...

Oh no, I know you would never allow this Buffy :lol:


So...after reading 2 pages of cat horror stories :panic:, it is all the more reason to be a dog person...they are so much cuter and cuddly :yahoo:

I just want a small, cute one that I can put in my purse :D I know, I know...just call me Paris :rofl:


Account Closed
...Word to the wise Halo....they puke too - and they usually aim for the shoes - even the small ones.. Enjoy that little tidbit "Paris" :rofl:


Puke or not...I am still a dog person by far. Dog puke I can handle, human puke I can handle, cat puke..ewwww now that's just gross.

Best wishes to the cat people
All my love,
Paris :D :D
LOL, Halo. We have three dogs and they don't seem to throw up as much, but when they do it's SO much more. Two of them are medium sized and one of them is just gigantic.

Right now my cat is just lying innocently under the table. She looks innocent anyway. Probably plotting her next move. :eek:
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