More threads by Steven_v


[h=1]I have pretty serious ocd and bi-polar ( and other things) i want to come off my pills cold turkey?[/h] i want to ome of them cold turkey and dont care if there are adverse affects just want to know what sort of effects to expect. they are citalopram, risperidone carbamazepine, zolpidem


don't know apart from dizziness a bit a mania (always a good thing) and sleeplessness and I'm getting no sleep know. nothing else happened last time


dont remember the resoning then and the were stronger well at least there was more of them

---------- Post added at 03:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:21 AM ----------

i'll keep you noted. this is day 2. a bit of heavy limbs finding it hard to sleep. (but i have been for 3 weeks)

Have you read this article on discontinuation syndrome?

So you went off them before and apparently suffered no major effects... hmmm.. I wonder.
but then you obviously went or had to! go back on them why? what happened after you came off them regarding your diagnosed illness\symptoms

---------- Post added at 03:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:29 AM ----------

ah I didn't see the addition to your post ...
Wanting to come off them.. and actually off them. are 2 different scenarios Steven.

Who besides yourself is\are aware that you have stopped taking your meds?
What did you psychiatrist say? did he explain how to come off them properly, with monitoring by him or your g.p?
also I have a small difficulty with you saying you don't care about the adverse affects.. by virtue of the fact that you are here asking about them. I can only assume that you are actually concerned in some way and are hoping that by getting whatever information is around that you will notice if anything different occurs (than the stated effects). ????

---------- Post added at 03:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:52 AM ----------

also.. can you answer this for me.. I am curious/
what happened after you came off them regarding your diagnosed illness\symptoms


he seemed stifled to be honest and asked how long i had been off of them and what my symptoms were. which at the time were none. i only wish to anticipate the effects and note down anything out of the ordinary
it seems you are avoiding my question\s.. :) and thats okay.. I was just curious as to know how and why it came about that you were back on them and now you ARE off them apparently without supervision as such.

I really do not know all the adverse effects and not sure anyone really does. My opinion would be that its different for everyone. Going on what I have read though, this course of action is Really Really not recommended. What if you have some kind of psychotic break? what if you wake up in the psych ward or a jail cell? what if you do something really drastic? I'm not sure you have thought about what you are doing with a clear head.

Seems to me that if you have come off them before and had to go back on them and the only reason you give for coming off them again is lack of self care etc, In my humble opinion, its not coming off or OFF them you should be but discussing med dosage and or changes in same as you are not thinking clearly at all and playing a deadly game with your medications and your mental health.

But you have obviously made a choice to do this and to do it the wrong way. I can only hope that whatever adverse effects you do experience that you will be able to tell somehow when it time to go back and see the doctor. Sooner rather than later.

Could be that some one else here will find other articles for you on the effects of your stopping your (those) meds abruptly. Or if you yourself find any by researching the web etc you might post them here for others to see too.

take care ok.
day 3 feel perfectly fine
in the area of physical symptoms I assume. What is your thinking\mental process like.? I ask because there is more to stopping meds abruptly than the possible physical adverse effects. So if you are going to insist on continueing this trial then might as well do it all.


i nigil like i want to cough. um not sure of the mental process's nothing seems to change im maybe a bit mor snappy

---------- Post added August 19th, 2011 at 02:27 AM ---------- Previous post was August 18th, 2011 at 10:47 PM ----------

just a quick question do you think the zolpidem not working has something to do with being off all the other pills


I don't think that has anything to do with you stopping your pills. If it's not helping you sleep then you should talk to your doctor. I don't see that to be any reason you chose to stop taking your medication.


going back on meds in hope that my sleeping pills will start working again. ass i took 6x the normal amount yesterday and felt nothing. if tablets dont start working wil probably beggin the trial of comming of all my pills again
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