David Baxter PhD
Late Founder
Lately, I've been getting regular spam with the subject line: "Want your pre-baby body back?"
Now I haven't answered them, of course - I mean my server has already conveniently marked them as *** SPAM ***.
But it got me thinking: What WAS my pre-baby body? I have no idea any more. My youngest child is now 27. I can barely remember yesterday sometimes. Maybe I do want it back. Maybe I don't.
These are the little mysteries of life that occupy my thoughts while I'm working at my desktop these days.
Now I haven't answered them, of course - I mean my server has already conveniently marked them as *** SPAM ***.
But it got me thinking: What WAS my pre-baby body? I have no idea any more. My youngest child is now 27. I can barely remember yesterday sometimes. Maybe I do want it back. Maybe I don't.
These are the little mysteries of life that occupy my thoughts while I'm working at my desktop these days.