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My son has TS and also OCD. What you have explained sounds like the type of OCD my son has. The ocd with the intrusive thoughts is called Pure OCD.

It took us two years to find this out. It's more hidden then the so called normal ocd where you see people doing the compulsions. You can google it, pure OCD, or Purely Obsessed. It will be very informative to research.

I find so much more out on line then I ever find out from the Dr's.

Taking two meds, one for the tics and one for the ocd thoughts works pretty well on my son. Although i have heard taking tic meds can make OCD worse and vise versa. Which i have seen a little of.


Have a great day :)


Re: Comorbid disorders with Tourette's Syndrome


While it's true not all physicians have had sufficient training or a clinical interest in Tourette, there are those who have specialized their training in movement disorders and specifically Tourette.

Surprisingly, these specialists may not always be the Neurologists whom one would expect to be on the front lines, but they can be Family Practitioners, Pediatricians, Psychiatrists and even Psychologists.

It just takes a bit of research to seek them out.

Have you ever used the resources of the Tourette Syndrome Association or one of the local Chapters in your area?

These are usually the best people who know who the local doctors are and where the best treatment options can be found.

How is you son doing at school with classmates, teachers and playmates?


Re: Comorbid disorders with Tourette's Syndrome

TSOW, Thank you for all the info. I have been in contact with the Touretts Association, I will check there again regarding Dr's. My son has seen the same Dr for 2 years but I think were ready to find a more specialized one. I just want a little more info then what this Dr can give.My son is having more ocd behavior lately but if we up the med he is on for that, it makes his tics come back. So that seams to be our main problem right now.
His brain tells him to grind his teeth and pick at his nose until it feels right. His teeth are being worn down and his nose gets bloody. We've been pretty clear sailing for a good year until now.

School is going pretty well. He doesn't like it but does pretty good in class.
Has a little bit of trouble with consentrating. He has lots of friends at school but never seams to want to bring them home.
He started High school this year and it helps alot that his TS isn't to bad(although not sure what it would be like without the meds) and His ocd is pretty mild also. His self esteem
is lower than where it should be which has kept him from joining groups and sports all through school. He is still a pretty out going kid and likes to skateboard. Everyone has always liked him but he is allways worried more about what others will think, so he seams to keep to himself. Most of his class mates don't even know he struggles with this.
Thanks again DsMOM :)


Re: Comorbid disorders with Tourette's Syndrome


What are the medications your son has been prescribed?

With regard to his teeth grinding, have you ever discussed this with his dentist? The dentist would likely offer a number of options that could be used to control this particular tic.

These are usually used during sleep for people who grind their teeth, but I believe there are several products for this purpose your son may find useful for daytime use.

He has lots of friends at school but never seams to want to bring them home

Have you had the opportunity to meet his friends? Why doesn't he feel comfortable to bring them home?

Everyone has always liked him but he is always worried more about what others will think

It's wonderful that your son has a pleasing personality, and there is no reason why he would not be a fantastic person.

However, concern about what people will think, and self esteem issues are common among kids with Tourette. This is where family support is crucial, along with providing him strategies to deal with situations where his Tourette related behaviour might be questioned.

He needs to be able to explain, when a situation arises where his tics or other behaviour might be challenged, that he has a condition called Tourette Syndrome, a neurological disorder, and that his tics are involuntary.

He has to understand that Tourette does not affect his intelligence, his personality nor should it affect his ability to interact with anyone he chooses.

He should not be ashamed of his Tourette, and to understand he is a bright and wonderful person with a great life ahead in which he can do anything he chooses.

In other words, DsMom, your son's Tourette is not an obstacle to anything in your son's future as a productive and happy adult.

I've attached a document called "What is Tourette Syndrome" which you may wish to print and have your son read.

When you contact your local Chapter of the TSA, find out what activities they have for the kids in the Chapter to get together.

These get togethers are one of the best ways for young people with Tourette to get perspective on their disorder by meeting other kids in the same situation. My experience is that by meeting other kids with Tourette, your son may develop the self confidence and self esteem he may have lost by being on his own.

Do you think your son may like to register on Psychlinks on his own, so he might ask some of his own questions?

I've lived with Tourette a long time, through a successful career and wonderful marriage into retirement.

I would be pleased to share my experiences with him here on the Forum.


  • whatistourette.pdf
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My son is on 1 1/2 mgs respridone for the tics and 10mgs fluoxetine for the ocd.
Together they have worked wonderfully. He just can't take to much of the fluoxetine because it starts to depress him and also makes his face start to twitch.

As for his teeth. The dentist and the Dr said the medicine Buspar would work for that, but it didn't help much and it gave him stomach aches, the runs and made him fall asleep in class. So he can't take it.
He does not grind at night it is an all day non stop thing. Any kind of gaurds he just takes out grinds and puts them back in. It has to be tooth to tooth to feel right.

Again he struggles more with the ocd stuff when it shows up then he does with the tics. I wish that was all he had.

As for friends. He still thinks they won't understand or make fun of him so keeps his distance. If they are at home with him he is in a closer setting and he doesn't like that. His few close friends do come over. He's coming around though.
When he was in counseling it made the tics worse because they were constantly talking about them. He does so much better not dwelling on it and living each day like it is normal. Thats what seams to work with him.
I let him know he can join here if interested. He may at some point. He does like to hear and know that there are others like him.
I try to give him as much information as possible.

Thanks again, dsmom


Your son's perception of himself seems tied closely to his tics, which might have been the source of some ridicule or perhaps even punishment causing him to feel embarassed and avoiding the reality that Tourette is part of who he is.

Just like some people might have a port wine stain on their face, or some other physical malformity, Tourette is not anyone's fault and should not be seen as an obstacle to life.

Granted there are challenges that need to be overcome, and by understanding one's one strengths and weaknesses, will help in choosing a career path as well as a life path.

Does your son have his own "safe place" at home where he can express his tics without anyone interfering?

He does like to hear and know that there are others like him.

*Since many people with Tourette Syndrome have yet to be diagnosed, there are no absolute figures. Recent genetic studies suggest that the figure may be one in one hundred when those with chronic and transient tics are included in the count.

I would propose that when your son is ready, that he consider becoming involved with a Tourette support organization, perhaps even consider some therapy to help re-orient his thinking about himself, his self confidence and his self perceptions.

These are the tools he will need for a successful, content and productive adult life.

Additional information about Tourette can be found here: Tourette Syndrome FAQ's TSA/U.S.A

*Source: TSFC
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