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It's not a postpartum thing, I don't think. I am so freaking tired. LOL. I feel like a zombie walking around. It's frustrating because when you're depressed sometimes, most times, you don't feel like taking care of yourself and then you feel icky so you don't feel like doing what you should do to be healthy.

It goes around and around. A vicious cycle.

I'm not sure why I'm posting this. LOL. I'm sort of not with it these days. :crazy:
He does. :eek: He wants to be held most/all the time. I hold him as much as I can. I know some people think that's spoiling, but I don't care. He he. They grow up so fast.


i don't think it's spoiling, cd. i think it's important for bonding and attachment. i'm glad you're holding him as much as you can.


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Ditto. Enjoy every little bit of him - those adorable little ears included. :D

I'm now a firm believer that children tell us when they need that bonding time. Although I've never been a parent, if I had a baby crying anywhere near me, I'd take it as a sign that they want to be held and cuddled. Enjoy this precious time CD...The time does fly by.
i hate it when people say that's spoiling a child. the baby cries, because it needs something. it can't say, "mom, i need a hug"

:smack: to all those people who call it spoiling. obviously they're jealous or something.
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