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Fellow Spacey space People is anybody else follwing the NASA mission 'Ice Bridge' ?
They are investigating the Arctic/Antarctic sea ice... areas being observed are thre coastal Greenland, coastal Antarctica including the Antarctic Peninsula, interior Antarctica, the subglacial lakes and certain fast moving glaciers and the southeast Alaskan glaciers...

You can follow the mission on youtube or on the nasa website or the evil place called twitter.

Antartica holds the key to the universe! I wish i could go there so much! Some parts untouched by humans...

---------- Post added at 08:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:07 PM ----------

My edit button has gone! I just wanted to add that dark matter makes up about 85 per cent of matter in the universe... they discovered this in experements ( ATIC ) in 2007 from Antartica!

So another question ( which saves me starting another thread ) does anyone believe in the shadow universe, or paraell universes? I really believe in the shadow universe... i think there is one right here right now... a world exsisting along side ours... even right here in my room... ( shadow beings ) everywhere... but its in dark matter... we dont know and they dont know! We dont have the technology yet to discover this. I had a website once called When Universes Meet... it was about when the two universes collide and we meet.

Its all really exciting stuff for NASA as well

---------- Post added at 09:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:58 PM ----------

Im scared! how did this get to 85 views in 30mins.. :hide:


i hope its a mistake of some sort :eek:mg: I had posted it then i came back about 30 mins later and it was at 85 views, it was just a bit spooky!



I have always believed in parallel universes, different dimensions existing in ours. I think thats why people see Loch Ness monsters and other wierd things. I believe they still exist somewhere, maybe have adapted, whilst extinct here. Also UFOs, aliens, I think they exist here with us but on another level and sometimes these other levels or universes bump into each other for whatever reason and then we see things or people, they might even see us sometimes as well.

Its a very fasincating subject, with so many questions!:)
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