More threads by David Baxter PhD

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Need emergency first aid? There?s a Canadian app for that
CBC News
September 12, 2013

Would you know what to do if someone stopped breathing? Well if not, there?s now an app that can help you.

The Canadian Red Cross has launched a first-aid app to help people deal with life-threatening injuries and emergencies. The app covers everything from severe bleeding to broken bones to heart attacks.

Officials from Manitoba?s Red Cross said the app is designed to show people what to do, as just being able to recognize a medical emergency isn?t enough.

According to a Red Cross poll, almost 40 per cent of Canadians have been in an emergency where they had to use first aid, and only half of Canadians say they are confident they would know what to do.

The free app is hoping to increase those numbers and is now available for Android platform phones, the iPhone and the iPad.

The app has options to learn the skills through videos and quizzes, as well as a step by step guide that can be used in an actual emergency.

The app arrives just ahead of World First Aid Day on Sept. 14.
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