More threads by mustangkelli

I am a 55 yo female who just graduated from a professional program. During the years of school, undergraduate and graduate, I developed some coping behaviors that don't appear to be that flattering. These have begun to interfere with interpersonal relationships. Not only am I not happy with myself for these behaviors but they now have the potential for interfering with a new profession.

I found this website by looking on the internet for some ideas, help, discussion, etc.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Welcome to Psychlinks, mustangkelli. :)

When you're ready, start a thread in the appropriate forum here and tell us a bit more about the coping behaviors that concern you.
Thank-you for the welcomes. Thank-you for the comment about posting when I am ready to discuss. This is very hard.

I have identified two major problems that interfere:

1) By trying to portray myself as confident I come across instead as arrogant, deserving, and as putting people down. None of which I actually feel and am surprised when I am perceived in this manner. To make matters worse I then shut-down emotionally, better I guess to have no emotion than to be perceived in a manner that is not really you.

2) I react too strongly to things I disagree with. Usually the foundation on which I disagree is sound, I just disagree too strongly.

The behaviors are self-destructive and the pain they cause is self-destructive. :thankyou2:
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