More threads by Adrianne


Hi, My name is Adrianne, I'm 49 and married with no kids.

I'm unhappily married but my husband seems content to be that way. Its very hurtful, but that's probably not the best way to start a "hello" post. :facepalm:

Anyway, I've been diagnosed with Severe Depression (over 25 years ago), Borderline Personality Disorder and Bipolar 2.

I do have a lot of questions but mainly I'll start with this one because I have no idea where it falls under any categories.

I hear voices, but its not like once voice or a few or that I can actually hear what they are saying. Its almost a white noise type of thing. I seem to hear distant people talking, women and men, like they are having a conversation or something but way, way, way in the distance so I don't know what they are saying. I hear music like that too but can never make out what it is.

Is this really "white noise"? Am I making too much of this? I would think that since it bothers me so much it isn't a normal thing. No one else hears it. Its not like anything in the house is buzzing so I'm mistaking one noise for another. I hear it outside too. Actually, everywhere I go I hear it.

I don't know if its part of schizophrenia but from what I've read, that seems to be voices you can make out.

I feel like this is a weird "hello" post but what the heck, right?
Hi Adrianne welcome to Psychlinks schizophrenia have you been diagnosed with that Not all voices have to be heard clearly
Many people with schizophrenia start of hearing a mumble of voices like your in a restaurant and you can't make out what is being said just voices
I hope you have talked to your doctor about these noises it is important if you are on meds as the meds may have to be adjusted some


MVP, Forum Supporter
Hi Adrianne! Welcome to Psychlinks :)

Don't worry, seems like you felt like just jumping straight in, nothing wrong with that. :) (If more replies happen in relation to voices, schizophrenia etc, the thread may be moved to that section eventually instead of staying in the "new members/hello" section, but that's okay too :) )


MVP, Forum Supporter
Welcome to the forum Adrienne. I know you'll find some helpful support here :)
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