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Hi everyone. My name is Carol and I am looking for support and online friends. I am 48 yrs old, 4 children...3 girls 22, 24, 28 and my son who just turned 12. I was diagnosed in 2013 with chronic depression and high anxiety as well as chronic insomnia. I was attending college and couldn't get out of my truck, just sat in the parking lot crying for 4 hours til I called my nurse practioner who immediately got me into an appointment. Since then, I've been walking a tightrope....lost the job of my dreams last year at the same time I lost my mom. The same week, my twin lost her leg to cancer. Fast forward two months...a life long friend of mine passed. Now I am sitting a death watch with my father who has terminal cancer. I wasn't close to my parents...horrifically abusive childhood. Was married for 19 years to a mentally abusive man whom I left in 2008 when I discovered he had molested my daughters. Took four years but he is now a convicted sex offender. I moved to a small town to try and start over but it's been difficult. Hoping to find support here. Thank you

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Welcome to the Psychlinks support community, Carol.

You have certainly been through a lot of trauma in your life, and a lot in the past few years. You mention a nurse practitioner but are you seeing any sort of therapist or counselor on a regular basis?


Welcome to Psychlinks, Carol! Hope you might find the information and support you needs at this time.

Sorry to hear about the difficulties you've experienced. How is the availability of medical services in the town where you now are living?


Welcome to the Psychlinks support community, Carol.

You have certainly been through a lot of trauma in your life, and a lot in the past few years. You mention a nurse practitioner but are you seeing any sort of therapist or counselor on a regular basis?

I have been on a wait list for the past year to see a psychiatrist...have been seeing a therapist once a month just to talk when I become overloaded. Not on any meds at the time as I have no benefit coverage and cannot afford out of pocket. I reached out to this group as I am barely hanging on and I have my son to think by day is exhausting...

---------- Post Merged at 01:45 PM ---------- Previous Post was at 01:43 PM ----------

It's such a small town that the services just aren't there. I do have a therapist I see once a month...and am on a wait list to see a psychiatrist...been waiting over a year....
Hi Carol sorry you are having to wait so long for a Psychiatrist to see you are you able to go to hospital if you need too. There you could talk to a crisis team member who could get you to see a psych doctor on call and maybe get you more connections to help. Not sure if you have that option or not


MVP, Forum Supporter
Welcome, Carol. You have been through so, so, so much. Proud of you hanging on and reaching out for support.

Hope that you can feel a benefit from being able to talk about things or read about things here when you feel like doing so, and also just the chatting or word games or little things like that can be a nice little connection too.

And of course, reading the stories of others can be so helpful... there is something so helpful about feeling 'not alone' and feeling like there are others out there who have had journeys somehow a little bit like ours.


Hi Carol. I have found Psychlinks to be composed of a mixed bag of people, some professional and highly skilled in the field of Psychology and others like myself who are really trying to simply understand my roller coaster life. You seem to have had a lot happen to you in your 48 years. Sounds like it is still happening. Your story reminded me of my own life and the fact that I had to seek professional help just to put the events of my life in perspective so that I could deal with the issues one at a time. That way I could get things solved and move forward.

"Chronic Insomnia," caught my eye because sleep is so very important in just about every aspect of finding wellness, both physical and mental. If you can find a solution to that, it should make your journey much easier.

Anyway, welcome.
Hi Carol: I have found this website and group to be a life support and source of encouragement for many years now. As others have affirmed to you, you have endured an awful lot in your life time. Sometimes, what we endure gives us the strength to overcome and heal. I hope that you are able to see a doctor soon. I wonder if you have a support network of friends whom you can turn to in addition to Psychlinks. Do not give up.


MVP, Forum Supporter
Hi Carol - welcome to the forum. :)
I'm amazed and impressed how you've withstood everything that's happened in your life. Hopefully you finally get the appointment with the psychiatrist.
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