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David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
New suicide risk assessment tool to be used in hospitals
CBC News
Jan 16, 2014

No standard of practice for children's mental health care at hospitals, doctor says

A standardized tool to assess suicide risk will soon be tested at health care facilities including the Children?s Hospital of Eastern Ontario in Ottawa as workers try to keep pace with an increasing demand for mental health care.

Dr. Mario Cappelli, a clinical psychologist who serves as the Director of Mental Health at CHEO, helped create the tool, the first of its kind developed for young people. Cappelli, who shared the tool at a suicide prevention forum in Ottawa on Thursday, said frontline workers use it to assess the risk of suicide in emergency departments. The need is drastic, he added.

?It?s pretty clear there?s no standard of practice or tool to help guide the assessment or disposition of mental health concerns within the emergency departments,? said Cappelli, which includes CHEO.

The void has increasingly worried health care experts who see the number of suicides rise through the last decade.

Research indicates there are 500 suicides per year in Canada and 68 suicide victims in Ottawa each year, according to information shared Thursday.

Epidemiologist Jacqueline Willmore, who works with Ottawa Public Health, said suicide is the second-leading cause of death among people between 15 and 24 years old. Only vehicle collisions cause more deaths in that age bracket. Willmore also said the number of suicides each year has increased between 2003 and 2012.

Suicide risk assessment tool
The Heads-ED enables physicians to take a psycho-social history that aids in decisions regarding patient disposition. It's a validated interview tool that makes it easy for doctors to identify children/youth with mental health issues, as well as find local help and resources.

The standardized online assessment tool is a survey that assesses a patient?s behaviour, feelings and background and Cappelli wants to see facilities use it across the country and even internationally. The need for a tool to assess suicide risk is higher for centres that treat youth because a growing number of young people visit the emergency room with mental health needs, according to the experts.

Hospitals also have trouble meeting demand, according to Dr. Allison Kennedy, a psychologist who works at the CHEO Research Institute.

'Suicide contagion' partial cause of problem among youth
That problem has become more apparent because there is a ?suicide contagion? among youth, said Dr. Ian Colman, the Canada Research Chair in mental health epidemiology.

He told the forum youth are more likely to consider taking their lives when they learn of others who have done so. ?One person?s suicide or suicidal behaviour may influence others to start thinking about suicide or to attempt suicide,? Colman said. Colman said suicide contagion could be either a personal connection or form of communication between people, or learning of a suicide through media.

Suicide prevention
Groups that provide support to youth:


David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
HEADS-ED Patient Profile

HEADS-ED Patient Profile - HEADS ED
Retrieved January 2014

HEADS-ED Patient Profile

* The HEADS-ED is a screening tool and is not intended to replace clinical judgment. Please read the terms and conditions of use.
Age years old
Sex Female Male
Preferred language English French No preference
No action needed
Needs action but not immediate
Needs immediate action
Sample questions
Sample questions
On track
Grades dropping / absenteeism
Failing / not attending school
Activities and peers
Sample questions
No change
Reduced / peer conflicts
Fully withdrawn / significant peer conflicts
Drugs and alcohol
Sample questions
No or infrequent
Sample questions
No thoughts
Plan or gesture
Emotions, behaviours, thought disturbance
Sample questions
Mildly anxious / sad / acting out
Moderately anxious / sad / acting out
Significantly distressed / unable to function / out of control / bizarre thoughts
Discharge resources
Sample questions
Ongoing / well connected
Some / not meeting needs
None / on wait list / non-compliant
I have read and agree to the terms and conditions of use.​



I am not in any way disagreeing with the assessment tool/article but I think there is so much missing especially in the ability of professionals to access suicide risk. By my best judgement my son would have fit into category 1 so unless clinical judgement was particularly astute he would have been considered to not require immediate action. Prior to my son's death I knew virtually nothing about suicide which in itself is appalling but what was even more appalling is that the professionals I spoke with following his death seemed to know very little more about suicide than I did. I certainly understand how complicated it is but it is also very frustrating. Recently a friend's daughter went to the emergency department, was assessed, deemed not at risk and was sent home. She immediately attempted suicide and only her parents coming home early saved her life. Unfortunately she has permanent damage and is still at risk. Hopefully her suicide ideation is now being taken seriously.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
It's intended only as a screening test, i.e., an aid to assessment and a reminder to ER staff to ask the questions, rather than a definitive "pass-fail" test for suicide potential. Something like this would not replace a clinical assessment in individuals who showed any signs of possible suicide risk. Like any screening test, the intent is for positive responses to move those who require it onto the next level of assessment.
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