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Daniel E.
OCD Challenge

About the program:

OCD Challenge is an online, interactive, behavioral program designed to help people suffering from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. The program was built by psychologists who are leaders in the field of behavior therapy and have a specialization in the area of OCD. OCD Challenge has three Modules: Assessment, Gaining Awareness and Intervention. Users will be guided through the Modules and taught skills and strategies for managing their OCD behavior. OCD Challenge uses the principles of exposure and response prevention (the treatment of choice for OCD) to help the user to confront and challenge their OCD. OCD Challenge is not therapy and there is not a therapist on the other end of the computer telling you what to do. Instead, OCD Challenge is a program built to interact with the user in a way that is interesting, useful, and moves the user toward change.

The cost:

Quarterly Plan - Get the program for three months. ($59.99)
Six Month Plan - Get the program for six months. ($99.99)
Annual Plan - Get the program for a year ($149.99)

Video Tour:


Daniel E.
"The developers of OCD Challenge are currently offering six months free. Simply enter code POMA when signing up."

Daniel E.
An overview of the program (which is still currently free):

Trail Guide
- Register for the program
- Program overview
- Assessment (15 – 20 minutes)
Motivation Scale
My Greater Purpose

- Gaining Awareness 1 (10 minutes)
Identify your challenge areas; Contamination, Harm to self, Harm to others, Scrupulosity/Morality, Not Just Right, Sexual Thoughts, Somatic, Superstitious
- Gaining Awareness 2 (10– 15 minutes)
Identify your challenge areas; Contamination, Harm to self, Harm to others, Scrupulosity/Morality, Not Just Right, Sexual Thoughts, Somatic, Superstitious
- Gaining Awareness 3 (Up to 7 days of logging)
Identify triggers that increase anxiety and lead to OCD behaviors and rituals.
- Intervention 1 (15-20 minutes)
Retake assessment instruments from start of program
See how you are doing
- Intervention 2 (~ 1 hour)
Score your triggers
Add additional triggers
Create your exposure hierarchy
- Intervention 3 (indefinitely)
Work through your hierarchy
Do exposure tasks daily without ritualizing
As you achieve success you will move up your OCD mountain
Continue working your challenges until you have challenged your OCD and taken back your life

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