More threads by EaglaisLuch

Hi to all. Am new here. Very guarded about saying much of personal things at this point. As any newbie would.

Anyways, look forward to learning a lot.

PS Think your socks are in the corner because there is a horrid smell coming from there. :rofl: jk!


LOL Welcome EaglaisLuch:2thumbs:
Yes, stay away from that corner! There really should be a warning sign.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Welcome to Psychlinks, EL.

Those can't be my socks. Mine don't smell. It might be that egg salad sandwich I lost a few weeks back though... :eek:


Welcome to Psychlinks, EaglaisLuch!

Very guarded about saying much of personal things at this point

Rightfully so, when entering any new online venue until you know how it is managed. Here on Psychlinks, your privacy is protected as long as you don't disclose any information in your posts that can identify you. Once you post information about issues for which you require support or further knowledge, our volunteer staff do everything possible to ensure your posts are treated with respect and that any responses deal with your topic and are never judgemental.

So check around the Forum, read through the various threads until you feel comfortable to discuss whatever you might need help with.

Hope you find Psychlinks informative, supportive and even fun.

Hi welcome I hope you feel comfortable soon to post as no one judges you here okay Everyone is kind and considerate so take your time but dont worry take care.


Hi, Welcome. It all takes time to feel confident about posting and there are really some wonderful people on this site who are trustworthy and supportive.
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