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Is this just an accidental wrong word or is there really a Bipolar Personality disorder? I'm thinking the former so bringing it to your attention:goodjob:


Re: Borderline Personality Disorder frequently misdiagnosed

:teehee: Well yeah of course, it's Tuesday.


Re: Borderline Personality Disorder frequently misdiagnosed

It took you FIVE years to get around to correcting that?!:whistle: Wow, you really are a busy guy!;)

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Re: Borderline Personality Disorder frequently misdiagnosed

No... it took me a couple of minutes to correct it... it took YOU five years to find it. :D


Re: Borderline Personality Disorder frequently misdiagnosed

Well I guess five years isn't to bad to be looking and finding something that doesn't exist. :teehee:


Resident Canuck
Re: Borderline Personality Disorder frequently misdiagnosed

Well I guess five years isn't to bad to be looking and finding something that doesn't exist. :teehee:

and in your defence STP, you were not a member here Five years ago :)


Re: Borderline Personality Disorder frequently misdiagnosed

Even not being a member, I still would have found the non existing disorder, which in comparison to a couple minutes of correcting is simply amazing. :notworthy: "Oh no please get up."
Re: Borderline Personality Disorder frequently misdiagnosed

Is there a disorder called "non existing disorder"? Where can I find it?:lol:

ps - I know we're not supposed to self-diagnose but by the sounds of it I really think I'm a Border Collie!
If you read the DSM-IV manual, no. If you get a doctor, who is not thinking when he labels you, yes. To be honest, I have very little faith in the system after reading up on the 7 mental illness diagnoses I was being stuck with (some I didn't know they had labelled me with until after I got my medical file). Oh yeah, I was also listed as having dementia and as being on medication I have never heard of.
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