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I have never wrote about these kind of matters in a forum, but finally decided to write it here. I dont know if this is a mentally problem of mine. I am working in a software company, I think this problem has happened because I have a poor personality, most of times I get my lunch with friends. So we talk about so many things but every one takes me as funny, they always tell somthing to me. Icant tell anything because I am not a good replier. It's ok if its happened for just one day. But every day they take me as funny. I dont want to become joker. Pls help me
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Re: No idea for title

It might be worth looking at the threads in the Self-Esteem and Self -Concept for information that you might find useful to you.

I am sorry you feel so down I hope you feel better soon.


we talk about so many things but every one takes me as funny, they always tell somthing to me. Icant tell anything because I am not a good replier

Would you descibe a typical situation of how this happens?

Why do you feel you come across as a joker, and yet you say you are not a good replier?

When your friends say something to you in these situations, what kind of things would they typically tell you?
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