More threads by Gaddy


:hide: Hello,

Too many issues to state all of them here but I'm here due to anxiety issues, as well as some I'd like to figure out. I feel like I don't want to go on with life, it is getting stickier all the time. Tried my share of drugs but most of them didn't do much for me. I think most of my issues are due to situational problems than mental ones. I like people but they don't like me. :confused:


Hello Gaddy and welcome to Psychlinks. Hope you can find information, support and direction while here.

Are you receiving therapy at this time?

most of my issues are due to situational problems than mental ones

Would you elaborate on on what you mean?

Enjoy the Forum!


Hello Gaddy and welcome to Psychlinks. Hope you can find information, support and direction while here.

Are you receiving therapy at this time? NO

Would you elaborate on on what you mean?

Enjoy the Forum!

No I lost my job back in March of 2010 and can't afford therapy now (or then). I had quit several months before this because I saw this coming but could do nothing about it. The situation is thatI am being blamed for having little regard for others in my behavior, but was having schizophrenic like symptoms which have since abated and am off tranquilizers but still feel very anxious at times. I do have PTSD and possible undiagnosed OCD. I have obsessive/repetitive thoughts and have had for most of my life. I finally asked someone their opinion of my type of thoughts and they led me to believe this is probable. I never questioned it much when I was young, just figured it would go away as I got older. Not so. I was also abducted and tortured 10 years back which caused the ptsd. So there you have it in a nutshell.


Sorry to hear about your dificult situation, Gaddy.

In addition to Yuray's quations,

I finally asked someone their opinion of my type of thoughts and they led me to believe this is probable

Was the person offering the opinion a qualified health professional making a diagnosis?

Have you discontinued all your medications, and are you able to continue any of them?

What resources for medical support do you have available where you live?
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