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I'm being severely obsessive today. Nothing seems right. Thoughts are racing. No meds to help. I am wondering what I can do to break this?

I hate feeling this way and being this way. It seemed to start with this really intense sadness last night and is lasting into today after having turned into wanting to make everything around me perfect. Which is totally and completely unrealistic. :( I'm exhausted.

Daniel E.
As stated in that article, the refocusing step (Step 3) is the hardest, and I have read that keeping a "refocus diary" can help, such as by monitoring progress over time.
What if you have trouble slowing down or sorting out your thoughts enough to pick one out to do these four steps with?

I think the four steps are good, but it seems when I'm really in a bad spot I can't even think to use them. :( Is it just a matter of habit or training yourself? Grrr.
So yesterday I was extremely anxious and nervous most of the day. Well, today I feel really, really depressed and down and like everything is in slow motion. Does that make any sense?


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Yes, yes and yes. But it doesn't have to be a downward spiral. Simply by posting you are helping to stop it.

I hate obessions. But did eventually lessen. Take gentle care of yourself CD.
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