More threads by Laurie1407

Hi everyone Hi Doc:wave4:
I haven't posted in a very long time.
Been very busy fighting my way back to my living again.
I have been getting out of my house alone in front of my house and am now able to stay out for 45 min at a time,
it feels so good to have regained that power over myself again.
Going for weightloss surgery in Michigan on Aug 19th.
I will be heading for a new me and a new happier and healthier life.
It will be a wonder journey.
I feel soooo good right now and I hope I never go back to not living again what ever I did to get to how I feel now was well worth the fight,
Hope everyone is doing ok
Take care:wave4:


Hi Laurie,

It is nice to hear from you and especially great to hear that you are doing well. Good luck with the surgery in Aug. and let us know how it goes.

Laurie its great to hear from you and Im happy to hear things are going so well for you, its is good to get out on your own. take care:hug:
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