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I loooked at the statisitics provided by this website.... i was bored so i checked it out. The majority age for the users is 50+. I wish I would have known that I needed help earlier maybe by now things would be easier. Congratulations to those who realize recovery will help them at an early age.. and congratulation to the 50+ club for being here. Its never too late to feel better;)


Its never too late to feel better

It's the best time in life to want to feel better. For the most part, if you are fortunate, your time is largely your own, with more time to spend with loved one(s) so the gift of good (mental) health is especially valuable and appreciated.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
I loooked at the statisitics provided by this website.... i was bored so i checked it out. The majority age for the users is 50+. I wish I would have known that I needed help earlier maybe by now things would be easier. Congratulations to those who realize recovery will help them at an early age.. and congratulation to the 50+ club for being here. Its never too late to feel better;)

Without at all detracting from the message of your post, just to clarify those statistics are accurate only for members who opt to display their ages. 2553 (42.41%) members have not done this and a further 175 (2.91%) have opted only to display month and day of birth. (Many of these may be members from several years ago before we adopted the vBulletin software for Psychlinks.)
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