More threads by Davekyn


sorry if I am in the wrong section. I'm kind of lost and get confused easily, and of late struggling to controll the frustration that tends to result out of it all. I don't even remember if I have made a 1st post or not?

My wife thought I was mad, when she found this link in my Forum folder, but I quickly explained that's why I was looking into the advice here :)...I kind of like forums as I find them a place I can relax and be more of myself. However I do suffer from anxiety which I am sure millions of people suffer. I had a fairly trumatic upbringing and am not ashamed to ackowledge my anxiety-despite perhaps being to honest during Job interviews ect...

I guess why I have finaly decided to put in a post is that I am really struggling of late. I have have returned to work, still getting over a month long bout of post viral/respitory infection of some sort which hospitilsed me in ICU- I seem to have come under attack from those above me in the work place and simply just don't have the strength to take on board all thier crap. Whilst looking for new work...I am suddenly feeling quite worthless and hung up.

As well as feeling I'll, I'm heaps over weight & extreamly depressed. Normaly I have been able to hit the treadmill, listen to bio-feedback filed and get a grip on my diet. However this time round, being older/I'll/Fat & possibly unwanted in the workplace...I'm really having a hard time with my anxiety and self worth. I know once this illness lays off in say the next few weeks, that I'll soldier on with my usual self help methods...But I'm starting to get worried that soon I won't have the strength to continually bounce back.

I really need to learn to ballance the next time I get on top of things. I tend to get there, but don't know when to lay off... I really hope this time if I get back on the horse, I can stay on.

I think that's enough rambling...Sorry if in wrong section. Sorry I don't even know what I want. Basically I think I need to make consistant effort to read some of Daves Positive thinking. I probably don't have much to offer...but I do what I can. At the moment, I'm a disability support worker...been at it for over 7 months which is good for me. Basically I'm a genuine guy, that likes to help...but my anxiety is really starting to put a lot of doubt in me. I know I need to move on, but as I say...the whole rigmarole of get on & off the horse is wearing me down. My goal is the next time I get back on hopefully to stay up long enough to get my head rested.

Thanks for listening...and thanks for all the threads you've been making dave. Everything I've read makes sense one way or another:)



Account Closed
Hi Dave,

Nice to *meet you*. And yes, I've understood your post. I also suffer from anxiety. One thing I will say - the treadmill / and or any physical exercise does relieve the symptoms...

A good friend of mine has always said to me "let go of the physical" - I'm slowly starting to understand. When I exercise, the anxiety lessens a little - and when this happens, the physical part of me just naturally follows to look and feel better - hope this makes sense.

And again, welcome to Psychlinks Dave :) (and yes, this is your first post).


Resident Canuck
:hithere: Davekyn :welcome: to Psychlinks.

I too have anxiety and I often get confused. It always seemed to me to be a vicious cycle, cause the more anxious I get the more confused. Then the confusion itself causes more anxiety.

Do you currently see a therapist or a doctor to help with your anxiety?

Combinations of medications and therapy I have found to be very helpful with coping with the anxiety.
Hi Dave! I agree with NikNack - I go through much of the same things. But therapy and medication are very helpful.

Welcome to Psychlinks! :wave:



Hi Dave,

I'm sorry for your struggles. You'll find warm, caring people here who will provide you with whatever guidance/insight they can.

I'm glad you found us.


Thanks all,

I really needed to say something and feel much better having done so. Life can get real hectic at times. I saw a GP once about my anxiety and he put me on like some meds for Bipolar and Depression...whilst I agree meds can be vital to many peoples stability, those articular meds seem to take the vitality out of me, and basically had me staring into space whilst the world went on around me. I put on a lot of weight and generally fell deeper into my current depression. I stopped the meds and got into my usual exercise program that seem to do the trick...all be it ...a temporary fix.

I've seen a psychiatrist whom I found surprisingly ...MMMMMMMMMMMMM...not so Atypical...He was good with me & listened recommendation for meds as he seem to like my aproach to self help..........basically he let me go in the confidence that I knew what I needed myself and that I should simply strive to achieve those goals. I have not had much luck with physiologists or the Atypical Clinical kind, as from my experience ... text book approach is "SO" noticeable & flawed...I can tell what box they have put me in simply by the questions they ask and the tone they use. Given enough history you even get to know the tactics. Not long ago I exsperience a session where I basically had my hope built up then was completely "rejected" and humiliated in front of my wife before being read the "HOW MUCH MONEY I COULD BE MAKING" act...that guy simply did not like the fact I ask him to drop the button pushing approach........yadda yadda...

Yea....I've been medicated and seeked help etc.....the meds came from a GP whom probably should never of prescribed them in the first place....Yea...I've seen people.... some of which I liked and others whom seem to make things worse.

Some are geniune but just need more time is all, whilst others are just out for the money which no doubt they need. For now...........I'm happy with the way this place is turning out & look forward to maybe a session or two in here :)

For now I'm enjoying a moderate wine as I contemplate my job interview for tomorrow. Believe it or's in mental health.

Thanks again for the warm welcome and kind words


David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Davekyn said:
I'm happy with the way this place is turning out & look forward to maybe a session or two in here

Just a reminder/caution, Dave: This is a mental health self-help and peer support forum, not an online counselling forum, so there are no "sessions" per se and any advice you receive here is not intended to and should not replace face-to-face advice from therapists and physicians.


Hi Doc,

Ahem...I mean Dave. I was hoping you might pop in and say Hi.

I ceartainly did not mean to imply such (or speake for others)...but I can see how some may not understand the use of the intended "emote :)". Perhaps if you knew me better you would understand it was not meant as such.

I fear once again, my words have lashed back at me. I will say though, that for "me" & "my" experiances", that I actually get more out of forums, than I do therapists. However given that this be an issue with yourself, and also the fact that you just read About my issues, but made your first words to me of a critical nature, without as a hello?.......I'm now feeling somewhat ........disenchanted. I'm sure I'll get over it...Took me so long to make a post as it was....Not all forums work for everone. Hope it all works out for ya...Doc.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
And I did not intend to chastise you at all with my post, Dave. My comment was intended as simply a standard disclaimer for you and anyone else reading this thread (most of our daily visitors are non-logged in visitors who may drop in to read a specific thread and who may not take the time to learn what this forum is about). I certainly did not mean to make you feel uncomfortable here or to imply that you are not welcome here.

My apologies if it came across that way. Sometimes, the printed word alone can be problematic.
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