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David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Four Physical Signs of an Impending Manic Breakdown
by Brooke Hilton, bpHope
February 14, 2018

Skin issues and tinnitus are among physical signs of a possible manic breakdown on the way–recognizing them can help you be prepared.

When you live your life in a perpetual hypomanic haze, like I did for years, it’s hard to know whether you’re simply feeling a natural high or if you’re on the verge of a breakdown.

Over the years, I’ve noticed there are some physical symptoms that start to pop up to warn me that my body might be headed for a crash landing. While I don’t have time for my full list, here are a few things to look out for if you’re worried that you may be on the verge of a manic episode.

  1. Skin Issues: Just prior to my last breakdown, I experienced a horrifying bout of psoriasis and cystic acne. I saw a dermatologist who wrote me several prescriptions, but no matter how many shampoos or steroids I tried, it would not go away.
  2. Problems with Sleep and Focus: Though I was constantly fatigued and had difficulty concentrating during the day at work, my imagination would run rampant at night and I would get lost in creative project after creative project.
  3. Tinnitus: Around this time, I also began to hear ringing in my ears. I even visited an endocrinologist to see if my problem was autoimmune related or hormonal, it didn’t occur to me that it could be mental…
  4. Appearance Obsession: Lastly, I began to become super into my appearance and wanted to sparkle from each and every viewpoint. But growing up with the nickname, “Suzie Sparkles,” I paid it no mind. I was on the up and up and nothing could stop me! That is, until I cracked — hospitalization, restraints, inpatient, outpatient, the whole nine yards.

Looking back, I had been so involved in my search for the perfect specialist that I completely missed the simplest diagnosis—I was totally stressed out. It’s mind-boggling to me that a relatively innocuous problem could cause such catastrophe in a person’s life. So, I beg you to study your body appropriately and to take a well-rounded approach to your wellness and find a doctor who can read the warning signs.

What have you found to be your physical triggers?
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