More threads by unionmary


Good day good day!

Altho it is nice for support purposes, it is also distressing to see, so many people using Psychology forums.

I am diagnosed Bipolar II & Borderline (still not quite sure what that's all about, my treatment route never considered it) 10 years ago, I believe.

Presently I do not take any medications, and have relieved my Psychiatrist of his services for a break. I think I am in remission, like the wicked cancer this illness is. Heck, maybe I have beat it, I am hoping.

Have posted my story in the Bipolar section,,,,its a bit longish, so get a coffee and sit back and relax if you care to read it.

Be cool all - Unionmary


did it say this in an e-mail? It does that to me sometimes if your subscribed to a thread and get updates, sometimes in the msgs it says another name ( the last person to post ) , as the update.
Oh and welcome! :)

Daniel E.
did it say this in an e-mail? It does that to me sometimes if your subscribed to a thread and get updates, sometimes in the msgs it says another name, as the update.

Oh, yeah, that does happen. I just forget since I have gotten used to it. Maybe Dr. Baxter will fix it one of these days.


Resident Canuck
Also regarding what you say here:

Altho it is nice for support purposes, it is also distressing to see, so many people using Psychology forums.

I can't speak for all, but personally I do not see having a Mental Illness to be any different than others who are coping with other medical conditons.

There are many forums for other medical conditions as well.

As much as I would love to be of sound mind again, I do still have lots to be thankful for.

Personally I don't find it distressing to see so many people using Psychology forums, I infact think it is great.

When I people join the forum, I am glad. Having a Mental Illness can be a very dark place to be alone. The more people come out to join forums, the more awareness is generated for our conditons.

This not only just helps those of us who are coping, it also helps raise general awareness of mental illnesses.


awwww daisies, my favourite,,,,thanks so much

---------- Post added at 04:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:09 PM ----------

"Altho it is nice for support purposes, it is also distressing to see, so many people using Psychology forums." was originall followed by something to the affect of "a lot of nutty pple in the world" but seems to have got cut out. lol

I agree 100% it is great to have these forums, I love hearing of others conditions....helps alot with my own.
Yes it was cut out unionmary, though I know you said it in jest, many members would be offended by that phrase, having a mental disorder is nothing to do about being nutty, and this word for mental disorders, is and always has been inappropriate :)


ok i can understand that,,,and you are right, it was in jest, but the amount
of troubled people does concern me. I find making jokes about it, helps me.
I shall try to be more guarded in what i say.

Thank you for the heads up
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