More threads by heatherly


This issue that I am going to talk about has bothered me since last July. Having had a problem with the one person I mentioned about here under excess guilt, I feel like bringing up another issue means that I have problems with people, but in fact I have many friends in my life, only I have moved and have been trying to make new friends.

I have two friends in this small town, and I think highly of them, but I tend to like women friends who are buddies. I have no buddies, no one who wants to go to antique stores, check out new towns, shop, etc.

Two and a half years ago I met a woman that was like a buddy to me. But I must say when we first met she said that she never had a close friend, that whenever she tried to be friends with a woman they would be indirect with her in regards to communication and so she would drop them. I don?t think I understood what she meant by that, and looking back, I realize that I should have realized that anyone who has only had acquaintances in their lives has problems. But we had a lot in common politically and religiously and there were other things that I liked about her. We became buddies. Then 1 ? years later her husband got into S&M online and began meeting women, and they broke up. She became depressed, which is natural. Then this last summer, about 6 months or more after their divorce, I noticed that she was relating differently with me.

I remember talking to my husband after talking to her, and I would tell him that what she had said just upset me, and he would say to take care of it or we would not be friends pretty soon. I thought I could dismiss it and seemed to be doing fine. But things kept coming up like these things, and they don?t seem so important in some ways, but they bothered me:

1. My dog hit me in the eye with her nose when I was going to towel dry her. She has fear aggression. I went online to talk with those who train dogs, and they told me how to handle her. They also said that when she pumps people in the face when they lean over to pet her, she is being aggressive. I tell this to my friend, and she says that my dog is only being friendly, and that those people don?t know what they are talking about. I told her that I have talked with Border Collie Rescue vet who says that my dog is fear aggression. She still insists that you can?t listen to them.
2. Next I am pulling out winter creeper, a vine that kills trees. When she calls me to see what I am doing, I tell her, and she starts in telling me that winter creeper doesn?t kill trees, and doesn?t understand why I want it out. I show her an article from the forestry department that says otherwise. She remains adamant that they are wrong, and she is right.
3. I tell her that I am pulling out primrose because it is spreading and will kill my plants as I have read. This conversation as in all others goes on for about 3 days, and I am spending my time defending myself. I show her articles from online. She says they are wrong and says her primrose doesn?t spread. I say I agree and hers is a different variety.
4. I tell her that I am cutting down some trees in the back because they are two close to the other trees and that the ag man here said that trees should be 30 feet apart, but I am going for 5 feet. She says that he is wrong, that if a tree can?t get enough light they will die. I said, ?These trees are bending in order to find light,? and on and on.
Then that summer when all of this is happening she tells me that when she gets her new house she won?t be able to see her friends for a year because she will be busy working on the house. I heard this twice, and being that I am her only friend, I am wondering if she wants me out of her life.

Next, she puts down everyone I like, even my other friend here, saying that she is superficial and rude. Superficial because she doesn?t like to read books that are depressing, and I said that I didn?t either. And I disagree with her that she is rude.

Also I have fatigue due to low thyroid, and so I yawn a lot. The first time she brought it up she asked if I were bored with her, and I said no. Then she wanted me to go to a doctor. I said, I have been to a doctor.

Next we began going to tea with another woman in town, a woman that I really liked being around because she was upbeat. The third time we met for tea, my friend and I showed up first. I told her that I really liked this other woman because she has a lot of energy, and I knew when I was saying this that I might get a negative response. So my friend says in a cold tone: ?That is because she has ADHD. She told us that the last time we met. Or weren?t you listening?? (I admit I have a hard time listening, and at my age I ask the same question over again. She is upset because during the course of one conversation I asked her what she was doing that day, and then later on in the long conversation I asked again. I worry about senility or Alzheimer?s because of this. But then I have always had this problem of not listening. I was yelled at in grammar school by a teacher who said I never listened.) So next I yawn, and she says in a cold tone: ?Your yawning is just a habit.? I say nothing. And then when this woman showed up she told her that she didn?t like my friends. I was shocked.

So she comes to visit a few days later and asks me if we are still friends, and I am puzzled and say yes because I feel we are. I had already chalked up our visit at tea with her being in a bad mood, and I had been doing my best to let go of the other things.

But then I think over what she said, and so I email her and say: Does my yawning really bother you because you have brought it up several times, and I don?t know what to do about it. All I can do is cover my mouth.

She calls back and says, ?I knew there was something wrong, but you denied it. I told you that I never kept women friends because they are non direct in their communication. What else is wrong? I mentioned what happened over tea. She said, ?You are just too sensitive.? And then she said that I believed everything I read on the internet in regards to my dog and plants. She even had an issue with my using grass clippings for mulch.

So now I am angry, and since she wants to know what is wrong, I email her the rest, such as what I just wrote here, and she writes back and said that my letter made her vomit. And then she denied saying any of those things; I mean denied everything, but then she was able to write about it in her denial, but accused me of twisting everything she said. To make this shorter I left out all of her denials and am just posting her complaints of me:

What I did NOT enjoy was:

You asked me about something, anything, say feathers, then when I would answer, you said, "oh, I would never spray my feather with an insecticide" You went many places asking and then came back to the idea of insecticide??

Remember the harvest fruit catcher? I told you what kind I had and you told me, "no, they said on line this one was the best. They all reviewed this one as best." You ordered it. It wasn't. Then you ordered one like mine.

I felt no matter what I said, you would contradict it. Contrary to me. Constantly.

then you go on line to many sites, what do I think about this or that, I tell you,
then you say, oh, NO, these people say this or that. (implying I am either stupid or at least do not know what I am talking about).
You do this over and over and over.

You say, "what do you think?" then you go on line, they tell you something else and you come back and the way you present it is "you don't know what you were talking about, the forum, etc. said this and that and see, this thing I forwarded proves you are wrong"

Then many times you come right back to what I initially said, but you never said, "you were right, you knew what you were talking about"

What I said was I think you rely too much on internet information from lots of people who don't know so much but want to vegitate at the computer and spew ego stuff...make themselves look better, smarter, etc. SOME people do know what they are talking about on the net, but many many more, do NOT.

About gardening, I kept saying more or less, if you won't believe me since I have gardened in this area 28 years and it looks like my gardening is working, then asked The man at the Ag Dept rather than asking people on line). Then take whatever you want from what he says and throw away the other. At least your information would be for our local area. Even the local community gardening people do a lot of things either the hard way or wrong but time is a teacher, usually.

You see, you would ask me about something, then go on line, then send me the information you got on line which said NO, you are wrong. You did this over and over. I thought I was very patient about it.
If I can't have my opinions about things without feeling I have to be so careful about them as you will take it the wrong way, or I should say, in a way I did not intend, then that is not a friendship to me.

I shouldn't even go into these things because I don't think you see at all who I am or where I am coming from. I am very tired of you telling me what I thought or how I looked at someone which just shows you do not see my heart.

If I had known I could not even comment about your yawning, I would not have. See, I can't have a close friendship with anyone when I can't make comments BUT had you told me never to ever talk about your yawning, I would have honored that. I would have apologized had I thought I had hurt you about it. Whatever I said, and I don't remember what it was, I can be sure it was not said in a hurtful way, only with concern.

I hated to write all this out, but since your letters kept interpreting things totally opposite to the way my spirit sent them out, or how I meant them, I felt I finally had to take up for my self. I realize it won't do any good because you do not see where I am coming from, who I am, how my heart is.

I have considered you like a sister and I will always only speak highly of you and be glad to see you when I do, but I can not try to have a close relationship with you. I am very sorry. I am also very sorry for any hurt I have given you. From my heart, I apologize.

And so all her denials that I didn't list left me feeling rather crazy. But then I think that she just wanted me to listen to her and no one else since she even argued with me over what the ag man here said. I wanted to give both sides here. Basically though, I feel a loss of a good friend that seems to have changed after her divorce. And when I read this from her I realized that she was not being direct with me either, and I told her so, and I apologized for sending her information off the internet that proved her wrong and told her I would not have continued had she brought it up. She didn?t respond to either. Her last response was this:

I was so stunned, when I realized you thought I was so mean spirited that I, as one of your best friends, could and would be so devious and mean to you. I never would. I can not defend myself because it seemed the things you covered were about our whole friendship time (two years?).

I truly feel anything I say will be turned around on me. It is not something I can fight. I do not intend hurt towards you in any way.

I can say I am very sorry I have ever hurt you in any way. You are one of the nicest, most caring, generous, intelligent people I have ever known, kind hearted, fun. I miss you and treasure the times we had together. Hope everything is working well in your life, you deserve it.

And I told her it had only been those two months, and that I never considered her mean spirited or devious.

Sorry this has been long. I am just trying to sort though it all to understand what went wrong and since your last post to me really helped me with the other woman that is pushy, and how I know I can now be nice to her but continue to say No?always, I wanted your opinion again.

It hasn't been easy since we have also been in the same reading group in town, and I keep thinking of quitting because of that and because I never like the books we are given to read. And it is weird after all of this that when I show up she may have a book to give to me to keep and then I bring her something. But I tried emailing her again, and it was going fine until she brought up again how I think she is mean spirited, etc.


I echo Dr Baxters response. Do you really need an antagonist in your life? Is this the first relationship that you have felt this way about?


Global Moderator & Practitioner
Wow Heatherly. Have to tell you that I got overwhelmed simply reading your post. I couldn't imagine living it. You know, the unfortunate thing is that the dance you are doing is probably scripted - meaning that your choice is to continue as is, or not. Somehow I don't think that the fundamental relationship can change. I am sorry your feelings are hurt and that you (sound) disappointed.


Hi, We had a nice friendship for almost a year and a half, and then it changes. It lasted two months after it changed. What was positive in the beginning is what I hoped to get back, and I can't help but feel that her divorce changed her. And when this started this last summer I didn't know what to think. After confronting her with it all and having her deny saying any of these things, even telling me these things I am about to post, I began to doubt my own perceptions:

I really don't know how to explain to you what I feel but basically I see that you do not take what I say the way I mean it. Maybe it is because you are not listening to what I say. Maybe it is because you heard "part" of it and just run with that.

I had not made remarks in reply to things you accused me of but the things are NOT either what I said or just part of what I said. These things need to be cleared up:

I never said anything bad about your friend. I don't even know her...only talked with her once. I did say I thought the grass clippings was very strange, as did several of the gardener ladies in the club. I was just voicing my opinion.

I HAVE made remarks about your other friend being rude. That had nothing to do with your friendship with her. Two other people in our reading group have spoken to me that they thought she was VERY Rude. But I have tried to look over that and pass and repass with her.

I NEVER rolled my eyes when she talked at reading group. I don't deal with things that way. I do not go around about things, I come at them straight forward.

I NEVER told you you chose friends poorly because they were not the people I would have chosen.

When we were at tea with (name left out)i, I was having a wonderful time. I did not know anything was wrong. All news to me.

With her, I just made comment that I think a big part of her personality is because she TOLD US she is ADHD. She had said it herself. I was just repeating it.

I was trying to say you and I were close friends (which was great) even tho I was not like some of your other friends (diverse, etc.). I meant it as a complement.

I have NEVER been sensitive about my hair loss. Maybe you feel that way about it, but I don't and never have, otherwise I would not tell people about it.

Since we both believe in raising our dogs and cats differently, I did not comment on Mocha and whether she would be trained or not because it would have differed from your thoughts. I do not try to put my beliefs on you.

When this all came at me I began to doubt. Although I knew that the way I presented it here is exactly as it was said. 1. the Garden Club ladies all use grass mulch, and she doesn't know any of them. And I did see her roll her eyes. And if she was trying to say that were close friends at tea and that she didn't like my friends, she would have said it in context and not out in the blue of "I don't like Heather's friends."

But I have a problem in doubting my own perceptions because they have been denied to me as being factual. Dragonfly, in a way you can say it is scripted, but I want to clarify that I have a lot of good friends that are still in my life, but who don't live here because we moved to another State, and we never have problems. I am so grateful for that. During this time they all said the same as you three have, but during this time I keep thinking it is my fault, that maybe my exfriend is right when she said, "You are too sensitive," and I didn't say all those things. The other problem in my life is that between 1970 and 1982 I was in therapy for reactive depression. (I cured myself through positive thinking), but it left me doubting myself. All those years I knew inside that my therapist didn't like me, and when we finally ended therapy on a bad note, I got a letter in the mail telling me that I was correct all those years, and that I should always listen to my perceptions because I am highly intuitive. But even then I have a hard time listening to myself. But the script is that this person was like my mother. I remember one day sitting at the table with my mom and listening to her put down my brother and sisters and in-laws, and the man I finally married, and I finally said very calmly, "Mom, I can't sit here and listen to you put down everyone because it makes me feel guilty," and all the sudden she started screaming at me, saying that she never put anyone down, I did, and then my step-dad walked into the house and kicked me out, and she didn't speak to me for a year, and after that my sisters took her side, would not believe me. When I told my step-dad, he would not believe me. To this day if I talk to one of my sisters with my problems she discounts me. When I told her about this friend she asked if I had the emails to prove it, but she was nice about it. Still it put doubts in my mind again.

I know that I wanted the friendship with this person, but I also wanted it back the way it was when she was happily married or thought she was. She used to be nice. But what I wanted more is to be able to trust my own perceptions. I even thought of taking all of my emails (the ones I saved) to a therapist and asking a her/him about it.

But I thought about things ALOT. Obvious. She never had a friend that she could trust. They were always indirect with her. I thought how she keeps her curtains closed all day because she doesn't want neighbors to see her. I thought of it as a sign of depression or something. But I also thought of how much I miss having a close friend here in this town. The friends I have made, two, while lovely people, are not the kind that want to go places together. They are all my age but have physical problems that keep them in town or they are not adventurous. But we have a lot in common in some areas. But this town is in the bible belt, and it isn't easy for me because I am not a Christian and not a republican. I am a Berkeley, CA type of person but can't afford to live in CA. So it was nice to find a friend with my views, who even once lived in San Francisco. And I think that is why I have held on to this friendship.

Yuray, I am trying to answer your question. Maybe I have in part. When I was in therapy in Berkeley I had some friends that were hard to deal with; I put up with them. I met them when I was in therapy. Two were paranoid schizophrenics, and one was manic depressive. I really liked my manic depressive friend, and she was not mean. But yes, I put up with the first two and sometimes the one that was manic depressive. It was not easy. Then I made friends with other women. One friend I have to this day, and we are still close by far away. We never had problems. The other I lost contact with, but she was somewhat of a problem. After leaving Berkeley in 1982 I made few friends because we traveled a lot. I am close to two friends that I made since then, and they are wonderful. But I see what Dragonfly means when she said, a script. When I was young I joined the Jehovah's Witnesses, and I had one friend who was really horrible, who I would quit being friends with, but who would call me back and ask me to forgive her. I did. And I had another close friend who was very kind. So I have had a mixture in my life. When I was kicked out of that religion, I was in the midst of a depression and chose my friends as they came.

And it didn't help that this ex friend wrote that she was coming from a place of kindness, that if I really knew her and trusted her I would see that she meant no ill will towards me.

And one of my friends thinks that I should stay in the book group to prove that I can stay. But I actually leave groups when people are not kind towards me or others. I have been put down by one of my sisters for being a leaver. I used to go visit my mom and get upset with her and pack and go home. I came to my mom's funeral, and when $40 was missing my sisters accused me because when I lived in Berkeley I used to shoplift. I left and stayed at my mother-in-law's house and came back the day of the funeral and left. I have never gotten over that one, and always felt that to steal from one's mother is the worse you can do and thought of taking a lie detector test to prove that I didn't. The only person who stood up to me was my brother, who is also a leaver. And who was the only one that stood up for me when I had that fight with my mom.

I don't know how to see this issue with my ex friend as her being the antagonist when she told me that in those last few weeks I was being contrary to everything she said. I told her that I was being defensive. I had one friend tell me that a normal person would not get into a conversation as to why you are pulling out primroses. When a normal person asked what you were doing, and you said, "I am taking out my primroses because they are growing everywhere," they would say, Oh. We spent 3 days on this conversation with my showing her that others had the same problems. Would they? Maybe so. I know that I don't analyze why people don't like books like my friend did me, saying it was because I couldn't concentrate or because I am on the internet too much and so my brain has been rewired. she even brought me a newspaper article on it. But I question how normal I am.

And then I always go back to realizing that I have normal friends in my life that I have never had problems with and an ex therapist who said I should always listen to my own intuition.

I think I am writing too long of a post here. And I thank you so much.

What in her letters show that she is an antagonist? Maybe that would help. And yet I am told that I am contrary.

And you know, she is trying to sell her house and has for a year, and she asked me if she could plant some of her plants in my yard until she got a house with a yard to put them in. They are still here, and I want them out, but I don't wish to be mean.


Disengage is the way I have done it. I changed and couldn't be a part of the negative life style I had been living anymore. What I did was make a decision and then follow through. I was polite and didn't show any interest in the relationship and went about my life. She got bored and moved on. I kept conversations short polite and distant. There was nothing left to say. We outgrew each other. She was not willing move forward with me and I was not going back. I care about her from a distance. That is life I have been told. I wish her well. It can be painful to let go of friendships that were meaningful like the one I had with my neighbor she was my best friend for years but it wasn't healthy anymore.


CarlaMarie, Being polite was the best way to do it. I have a problem in telling people how hurt I am over something that they said and then having it blow up in my face. But I have noticed that those who are still my friends I have never had to say to them, you have hurt my feelings, because they never have.

I want to clarify what i wrote above. I hate using psychiatric terms and had for myself and the 3 friends I had in Berkeley. I am sorry for that. I did it to explain what I was dealing with, and yet, I really mean that they were a lot of fun to be with. I think about them to this day and wish I could get in touch with them to see if they are okay. We had some bad times, but it was nothing like the two months I had with this ex-friend. Just at times they would say something mean, but not often. I had to end one friendship when this friend had another breakdown and everyone was her enemy. I was warned that she could decide that I was her enemy next. But mostly they were just depressed as I was, and we did a lot of fun things together, and we cared about each other.


I believe that I figured it out through self-hypnosis, but I can never be certain:

These other women in my life where nothing like her. Those friends in Berkeley were actually good. As I thought over things I realized that each one of them only said something hurtful to me once.

In hypnosis, providing I was able to do a good job of getting into a trance, I got that the reason why I can not let this go so easily is because it reminds me of what happened to me as a Jehovah's Witness when I did something wrong and confessed out of guilt and shame and they in turn disfellowshipped (ostracized) me, and the members in turn not only shunned me but believed me to be evil.

Then it happened again with my mother, when I told her that her talking about my family made me feel guilty, and she in turn blamed me, shunned me for a year, and then my sisters and one other brother blamed me.

And then with this friend, I told her that I was hurt because I felt that my yawning bothered her, and she turned everything against me and wanted to know what else bothered me and then turned that against me, and has now put me down to others in town.

Do I want her in my life? No, not even back in my life. But I want peace of mind about it, and if this were not such a small town I wouldn't care. But when I went over to a couple's house and my friend's husband acted like what happened with my ex friend was my fault, then it made me feel bad like it did with my sisters and the Jehovah's Witnesses. I will never go visit them again.

Maybe realizing this much will help; I am not sure. The good thing in my life is that I have supportive friends, but they live elsewhere. I don't wish to talk about this ex friend to people here in town as it isn't wise. I wish I had been wise enough to have moved away from her quietly like Carla did, and I think this is a good lesson to learn. I know a couple of other things: 1. another time in self hypnosis I got this, "I didn't like me with her," and that made sense. And I had noticed when I cut down some small trees, I knew that my ex-friend had told me twice that she would never been friends with anyone who cut down trees, and so when I told her what I had done, I knew that she could reject me. I was looking for a way out even then, but I didn't have the know how or nerve to walk away quietly. I will learn.


I think once you get at the conflict and the feelings time is a wonderful healer. Especially in small towns and neighborhoods. The other thing you have to remember is there are two parts. She nor the others can not claim perfection in there social interactions. You just happen to be looking honestly at your part. So with all that said chin up the next time you see them. The unhealthy stuff is there even when they don't want to acknowledge it. Cheers for you for digging out the sore. I would focus on those kind souls that are out there somewhere.

I suffered with gossip and rumors about my marriage around my neighborhood regardless of the truth it was hurtful. That was the straw that broke the camels back for me because it was personal. Four years later two of those friends are now divorced. I am still plugging away at my marriage and had no idea either were struggling. I found that interesting! I can look them all in the eye. Say " hey, y'all" but I remember they are snakes and they bite. I've been told what someone says about me behind my back is none of my business. I just give them my Chin up!


Thank you Carla.

The other thing I did today was to ask her to come and get her plants that she planted in my yard until she moved to a new home where she could put them. I feel that I was being too nice, which was okay, but I really wanted to tie up loose ends. And I was nice about it, saying we took out the fence and the soil is all going downhill where she planted, instead of adding, and you lied when you said you haven't talked bad about me, which was hard but I have been trying to not hit back hard. I just want it over with and not think at a later date she will want her plants, and i have to deal with it again.
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