More threads by David Baxter PhD

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Problems with Windows XP SP3 persist
By Dennis O'Reilly, Windows Secrets

If you're still on the fence about XP's Service Pack 3, best to stay there for a while.

We continue to hear from readers whose PCs choke on the update, and for very different reasons.

XP SP3 should ship with two aspirins
I'm sure Microsoft made every effort to ensure that the distribution of Windows XP Service Pack 3 would go smoothly. Unfortunately, the company's efforts didn't keep some Windows Secrets readers out of the update muck.

One of the many people who shared their SP3 pain with us was Almer Procyshyn, who was seeing the Internet Explorer customization screen every time he started IE 7:

"Recently, like many others I have noticed, I experienced problems with my laptop after SP3 was installed, one being the RunOnce setting for IE 7. Many forums suggest modifying the Registry, but the simple most effective solution is:

Tools, Internet Options, Advanced, Reset (under Reset Internet Explorer settings), OK.

"This allows you to [reset your] RunOnce settings. Simple, and it works."​
If only all SP3 glitches were so easy to resolve. Note that this workaround changes all IE 7 settings back to their default values, which may not be what you want. To fix the problem with a specific change to the Registry or using local security policy, see an explanation at Online Tech Tips.

While most XP users who have installed SP3 experience no problems, the risk/reward balance suggests that there's no hurry to apply the patch, at least until Microsoft stops supporting SP2 ? many months from now.


Are there any Psychlinks members who are experiencing difficulties with SP3 or have hesitated installing the patch?

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
I haven't yet installed it on either my computer or Laurie's. I can't afford a computer crash right now so I'm letting other people be the beta testers. :panic:


SP3 has been running here on two systems, which are updated regularly with no unusual behaviour so far.

Thank you Mr. Gates....:2thumbs:

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
That's good to hear, Steve. Sooner or later I know I'll have to bite the bullet, if only to stop Mr. Gate's nagging. :)

By the way, if memory serves, you're using two Dell's, a desktop and a laptop... is that correct? The two systems in question here are both Dell desktops - one a Vostro and the other an Inspiron.


The desktop is a Dimension and the laptop is an Inspiron. Isn't the patch removable under Add/Remove Programs if you're dissatisfied with it?


Did it revert you to IE6 again when you installed it?

There were no modifications to IE7 nor any settings. The only issue I read about with any regularity affected HP users where there was a problem with video, but I think HP issued a fix.

I forgot..I tried out SP3 on an older, seldom used Toshiba laptop before installing it on the Dell's; also no problems.

Live dangerously..take the plunge...what's the worst that can happen?:D
I'm not sure if it was due to sp3 or some other issue, but immediately after installing SP3 on the family computer, a number of programs were unable to connect to the internet. These included Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Windows Live Messenger (whereas Steam {digital game distributor} was able to do so).

We discovered that "something" had affected our antivirus/firewall: Zone Alarm Security Suite, such that it was blocking internet access to programs we had not previously blocked.

It might have been a SP3 / ZASS conflict, or it might have been an unwitting parent performing a click combo... We'll never really know. The perils of the "family computer," I suppose.
I wish I had never installed it, my computer was working fine, I thought when I installed in everything was going fine, I think I said that on here, but over the past few days I have had serious problems, with software conflicts, crashes, error messages all sorts of odd stuff a couple of days I couldnt even get the computer to start and something keeps swtching my firewall off and it isnt me, codecs have gone missing for windows media player that where there before and nero and some settings have changed. also had some problems with the bios and found others with my type of system have too,, its working now but only after wasting alot of time getting advice of internet and from a tech at a local computer shop, maybe some of the problems are something else I dont know but its odd they have all started after downloading sp3, makes you wonder??
No I havent because I was told not too as it could cause further problems, some people on a tech board lost the sp2 pack like it uninstalled ifself, and and i was told people are not sure whether it would be a "clean roll back", Its working okish today so Im leaving it alone for now. Ive reinstalled the codecs from the sites so media players are working.
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