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David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Progress in the Battle to Erase Stigma
By Treatment Advocacy Center
June 25, 2008

Mental health issues top of the list of reasons why Americans seek medical treatment, according the government?s most recent count. Mental health problems prompted 156 million visits to doctors? offices, clinics, and hospital outpatient departments in 2005, according to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.

The number represents a 30 percent increase in less than a decade and a quantum leap above the previous one, when coming forward to admit a mental illness was still considered virtually unthinkable.

This astounding mainstream awareness has helped shrink the stigma associated with mental illness. The advent of new treatments, public education, anti-stigma campaigns by organizations like NAMI, and other efforts have paid off.

Stigma has shrunk but not disappeared, and the problem is different today than it was a decade or two ago. Much more is known about effective treatments, especially for severe mental illnesses. The transformation has reversed the stigma equation. A generation ago stigma prevented people from seeking treatment. With mental illnesses topping the list of why people are in the waiting room, stigma is no longer a major factor stopping people from seeking treatment.

The stigma around mental illness now stems from those who most need treatment but aren?t getting help. The number is much smaller, but the problems are no less severe. Multiple studies have demonstrated that people with severe psychiatric disorders who are inadequately treated or receiving no treatment are more likely to harm themselves or others than the general population. The flip side is also true: People who are being treated ? the majority of those with such illnesses ? are no more likely to be violent that the general population.

The acts of violence that grab headlines are the main source of the stigma that prevents people from seeking treatment. Policies that prevent people with severe mental illnesses from receiving treatment are the chief cause of these headline-producing acts ? those policies are the ultimate enemy in today?s battle to erase stigma. Changing those barriers is the battle plan laid out in The Insanity Offense, the new work by Dr. E. Fuller Torrey, founder of the Treatment Advocacy Center. It is time to take a new offensive to eliminate stigma once and for all.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Taking the Insanity Offense

Taking the Insanity Offense
Monday, June 23, 2008

Every once in a while there is a book that has the ability to make change. Dr. E. Fuller Torrey?s, The Insanity Offense, is one such text. For many readers here, the plot is familiar. America?s failure to treat the seriously mentally ill endangers its citizens. Dr. Torrey?s diagnosis hits a bull?s eye and his prescription for change is compelling.

The Insanity Offense is "about one of the great social disasters of recent American history," Dr. Torrey writes. "It began within the lifetime of many of us, is continuing, and today affects approximately 400,000 individuals and their families. In the annals of twentieth-century American history, it should be included among the greatest calamities."

In just a few short days of publication, those words ring so true that the book is receiving attention of biblical proportions.

?There are times and situations that call for prophets,? writes Johns Hopkins University Professor Dr. Paul McHugh in The Wall Street Journal. ?Not fortunetellers or soothsayers, but biblical prophets like Amos or Jeremiah who furiously proclaim the old truths, puncture our pretensions and predict from current tribulations worse to come if what lies deeper than sin -- idolatrous worship of false gods -- continues. E. Fuller Torrey, a psychiatrist who cares for patients with schizophrenia and manic-depression, is to my mind the doctor nearest in character to an ancient Hebrew prophet.?

Dr. Torrey, as he has done so many times before, lays out a path to follow. The job ahead is to push forward. The obstacles are familiar. The forces against change are well known, well organized, but wrong. The obligation to act is clear. Let?s join Dr. Torrey and take the offense to improve American?s health.
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