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At this time it wouldn't include visitor messages because none of them are more than 30 days old as the new layout (upgrade) is not that old yet.

The next pruning I guess will be the tell tale time to see.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Re: Automatic deletion (pruning) of PMs

Yes - the next (first) pruning should be tonight about 2.30 am, unless I run it manually before then. :)


Re: Automatic deletion (pruning) of PMs

The pruning the you run tonight should not affect the visitor messages for anyone because the lowest number of days specified is 30 for new members and all others and again it has just been 3 weeks since the new upgrade.

We won't know whether the visitor messages get pruned based on tonight's pruning and will have to wait until the next schedule pruning :)

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Re: Automatic deletion (pruning) of PMs

The pruning the you run tonight should not affect the visitor messages for anyone because the lowest number of days specified is 30 for new members and all others and again it has just been 3 weeks since the new upgrade.

We won't know whether the visitor messages get pruned based on tonight's pruning and will have to wait until the next schedule pruning :)

Yes, of course - you're right. :)

D'oh! :homer:

I posted a reply and I've been hunting around wondering where it went. :panic: :smack:


Re: Automatic deletion (pruning) of PMs

We won't know whether the visitor messages get pruned based on tonight's pruning and will have to wait until the next schedule pruning :)

So, how many times can you use the word "prune/pruned/pruning" in one sentence? I was confused reading it lol.


Re: Automatic deletion (pruning) of PMs


This off-topic pruning really, really made me laugh and that is a very big step for me. Feels good and sad at the same time. :hug: Mari


Re: Automatic deletion (pruning) of PMs

:lol: I was just about to post a similar comment.

I do like prunes, just not juiced ones.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Re: Automatic deletion (pruning) of PMs

Dried prunes are OK. If you have a craving for anything else, please call the Prune Crisis Hot Line.


Re: Automatic deletion (pruning) of PMs

I'm having flash backs of being given prunes from a big jar with juice in it, when I was little. Ugh!
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