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Re: How Facebook Ruins Friendships

No and no. But thanks :)

The options are Corgi or American Eskimo, must be a name that starts with a J, max two syllables, Jasper, Jessie, Jonah, Jake, Jackson are out.

But I don't want to detract from this thread, so if you're really keen on suggestions, we can make a new thread in Just Chat :)


American Eskimos were the first breed I ever had. They are a tenacious breed, not for people who want a foo-foo dog. They are alot of work. But I love them so much.

When my boy Jessie died in 07 I wasn't ready for another Eskie at the time, so I got a Corgi (Jonah) instead. But now I'm ready and could have another Eskie. But I also really like the Corgis, so I'm stuck.

And I'll only have boy dogs. I've found I don't really bond with my female dogs. So boys it is.

And I like the name Denver, but it doesn't start with a J, unless I call him Jdenver, which is a real possibility.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Jdenver is 3 syllables.

Eskimos can't be pets. It's the Law of Nunavut. Unless it's an Eskimo Pie.

You could call him: Jimmy, Johnboy, Jehosaphat (with or without the Jumpin' part), Jay, Jarlsberg, Johnson, Jerome, Jughead, Jeff, Jack or Jackie, Joey, Jumbo, Jabba the Hut, Jason, Jude, Job, Jet.


Johnson is kinda cool. I like Josh too (it's two syllables if you say Jo-osh). I meant max two syllables.

Jdenver is only two - pronounced Denver, just slapping the J in front as a mere formality.


Jdenver is 3 syllables.

Eskimos can't be pets. It's the Law of Nunavut. Unless it's an Eskimo Pie.

You could call him: Jimmy, Johnboy, Jehosaphat (with or without the Jumpin' part), Jay, Jarlsberg, Johnson, Jerome, Jughead, Jeff, Jack or Jackie, Joey, Jumbo, Jabba the Hut, Jason, Jude, Job, Jet.

hmmmm Jackie, now theres a good name:lol:


I love great danes! so majestic <--spelling? We have golden retrievers now. I love the new poodle mix breeds--labradoodles and goldendoodles. two intelligent well behaved large dogs. Slightly tongue in cheek re: golden retrievers as well behaved! They are, once they are trained.
I suppose our dogs' names are average @ Oscar and Maggie.
We had 2 basset hounds @ Sadie and Barney
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